Coming Together

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After the battle against Vanitas, Riku advised it would be best to return to the "Mysterious Tower". If not for anything else to at least allow Master Yen Sid to have a look at Mara. Riku himself unsure of the strain that could have been placed upon Mara's worn heart. Being Mara and not wishing to show anymore weakness than she already had. She stood tall ignoring the small sting in her chest. Nawing on Mara from inside out. And yet still she protested, assuring Riku that she was well. That the two of them should continue their journey. They simply could not wait any longer. "We can't stop because of me, they've waited long enough!" Mara declared referring to Ventus whom she had no idea was even alive.

But it was faith in that strong heart of his and Ven's drive to fight for the light. Mara prayed with all her being that he was out there somewhere. Perhaps sleeping as already a piece of his heart resided within young Sora. A young boy that Mara had heard of once or twice from both Aqua and Terra. A Keyblade Weilder with a heart that envelopes all. One that connects all hearts, Sora was an anomaly. A power of the side of Light that darkness forever feared. It was the very exsitence of Sora that gave Mara hope. That maybe just maybe Aqua was able to hide him in time before that faithful battle. Perhaps somewhere in the vast worlds Ven lay asleep. Waiting for his family to wake him. And Aqua. The last time Mara ever saw Aqua was after she forced Mara to release her. And with a sorrowful smile Aqua fell into the darkness out of sight but never out of mind.

Fighting back her tears Mara steadied her footing. Her right hand to her chest as she spoke passionately, unable to hide her desire to save her family a moment longer. "They are all out there waiting for me! I can't stand by and do nothing!" Mara choked out in a fit of tears, her body trembling as Riku gently reached out for Mara. His hand on her shoulder, all the while the other one cradled Mara's other hand. It was then that Mara looked Riku in the eye, her own gaze overcome by tears as she spoke. "They've waited so long I..." Mara began through shaky breathes as Riku then pressed his forehead against hers. The act alone seeming to sooth Mara Abit, as her breathing began to regulate. "I would never ask you to stop your mission in finding them. I want to save them just as much as you do. But...we have to be at our best if we want a chance to survive the Realm of Darkness." Riku began his level headedness making sense to Mara. Who admittedly was acting on mere emotion, not tactic wise as she should.

Blinking back her flood of tears Mara listened to Riku's words knowing he was infact right. They were not ready, well more importantly she was not ready to enter the "Realm of Darkness" not yet. Not with so much doubt in her heart about where her loyalties lay. The darkness would easily swallow her whole, just as it had Aqua. "But we can do it. We can save Aqua and the others but..." Riku began before tugging Mara a tad closer to him. His left hand resting on Mara's waist, causing her to go bright red in the face. While the other continued to hold her hand, almost endearingly. Riku then bid Mara took look at him once more only this time; Mara couldn't believe her eyes. Blinking her eyes a few times to make sure what she was seeing was indeed real. Mara released an audible gasp as before her eyes was not only Riku. But the silhouettes of all those who were currently fighting on their side. The World's "Guardians of Light".

First there was none other than Sora. A boy with the power to connect all hearts and weild a Keyblade despite not being properly trained. A big smile on his face of course while beside him was the young girl Mara had caught spying on her. The girl was known as Kairi and was a "Princess of Heart" whom due to being friends with Riku and Sora. Decided to take up arms and put her heart to good use. Fighting as a Guardian. The first in all history of Princesses of Heart to ever fight among them. Then beside Kairi was the spiky red haired man Mara knew as Lea. But apparently he referred being called Axel. This cheeky know it all was fairly cocky. And apparently was once a ally turned foe then turned ally again. Something that Mara guessed happened alot to those who came into contact with Sora.

But beyond those silhouettes were 3 others. Ones that Mara immediately recognized as her lost family. Ventus,Aqua and Terra. Each of them smiling happily towards Mara. Their hands outstretched for hers encouragingly. "We all have to come together, and fight. It's our only option." Riku informed his voice a mixture of Terra, Ventus and Aqua for a moment. Confusing Mara for a moment as the image soon faded away. Leaving Riku who awaited Mara's answer. "I understand..."Mara began hesitantly lowering her hands to her sides. Knowing what must be done. She needed more training before she would be able to brave the many worlds and Realm of Darkness. And to do this Mara would have to pause on her agenda. She had to turn back. Swallowing a silent sob Mara agreeded with Riku on returning to the "Mysterious Tower".

Though with a heavy heart, Mara left the current world. Unaware of the true trials were sure to come.

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