Hollow Master

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After a long training session with the Wizard Merlin back in "Radiant Garden". Both Kairi and Lea were bid to return to the "Mysterious Tower" where Master Yen Sid would surely have further instructions on their training thus far. Excited to finally return and show Sora how far she's gotten in her training. Kairi paced about the magic train the two were in board. Barely to contain her joy at seeing Sora and Riku once again. But her pacing was kind of getting to Lea. As the spiky red head leaned back in his seat. Beckoning Kairi to relax while they had a chance. For the young man for the past few days was feeling off.

As Kairi would sometimes just catch Lea staring aimelessly, almost as if he was looking for something. Or someone that wasn't there anymore. She recognized that look Lea had given to Kairi so many times, and yet that same gaze was for something else as well. Along with that gaze Kairi would find Lea mumbling strange things to himself. About "sleeping lights" things that even he did not fully understand himself. But deep down Lea knew something was about to happen,something big. He just couldn't quite put his foot on it. But he knew that whatever it was it was big. And more than likely they would be busy. So taking a break now wouldn't hurt them.

But Kairi couldn't take his advice, she paced about the train till it came to a stop at their destination. And to this Kairi took off running towards the tower, leaving Lea in her dust as she ran up the many stairs. Winding into one another and confusing to Kairi she soon came to halt near a new door. One she didn't recognize when she was here before,it was white with intricate gold trim on the outside. But most of all the door was open Abit. Allowing Kairi to peak into the room which she did. And what she saw truly baffled her. As in the room was the form of a curvaceous young woman.

The woman had long flowing raven hair which fell to her lower back, beautiful amber orbs. Which reminded Kairi of the sun. The woman also seemed to be wearing a black tank top outlined in gold trim. Over the tank top she wore a sheer black and gold trimmed hoodie as well. All the while she also sported a black battle skirt which stopped at her mid thigh. Though on her legs were thigh high black socks and ankle boots. Taking a deep breath the woman turned on her heels to leave the room. Now coming face to face with Kairi herself who was on her knees. Peeping into the raven haired woman's room. "U-U-Um" Kairi began rather nervously as the amber eyed woman placed her hands on her hips. Not expecting someone to be peeping in on her in her own room. "I hope you have a good explanation for this." The woman said as Kairi opened her mouth to speak only to hear Lea calling out to her.

As the red head had finally caught up with her, now completely at lost for words as he gazed at the amber eyed woman before him. "Y-You!" Lea exclaimed in utter disbelief as the raven haired woman took a step back. Recalling meeting a young man like him years ago. Yes, it was back then the boy had a thing for frisbees,and had a quiet friend of his called Isa. "Y-Your alive Mara!" Lea declared as he reached out to hug the woman though she side stepped his embrace. "Sorry, I'm not really in the hugging mood." She commented before stepping to Kairi who swallowed hard. Seeing that the woman called Mara was standoffish and cold. Traits you rarely see in a Guardian of Light. But what Kairi also saw was the evident pain in that woman's eye.

She had been through many trials, and they had made her to what she was. Perhaps it was a survival technique to throw off ones allies and enemies. Kairi was not sure, but what she was sure of was that Mara was in pain. And if she continued to dwell in that pain it would soon give way to darkness, and it would swallow her. Again. "I-Itll get better!" Kairi blurted out towards Mara who was walking pass the two. "I dont know what it is but- it'll get better! Things always do as long as you have light to guide you!" Kairi declared her words making Mara crack a small smile before she decended down the stairs. "A Princess of Heart should leave these matters to her pawns." Mara breathed before making her leave as Kairi eyed Lea.

"Hey! She wasn't always like that I swear! Somethings changed in her." Lea confirmed as Kairi watched the woman make her way outside the tower. To this Kairi and Lea followed now noticing Mara and Riku outside conversing with one another. Their demeanor seeming that of familiarity. As Riku drew near Mara, his hands brushing against her arm. Which made the woman turn red in the face before she took an usure step away. Her form appearing very timid unlike how she was prior to meeting Kairi and Lea. Mara continued to speak to Riku who hung on her every word. And seemed to be smiling more than usual. Something that Kairi noticed right away. Riku was usually the quiet type never one to really show emotion unless necessary. And yet here he was smiling before Kairi's very eyes at Mara. A new light that seemed to burn more brilliantly when Riku was near.

It was then that Kairi realized there was more to Mara than what she first believed. And she needed to know more. Making her way to Master Yen Sid's office Kairi stood before the great Wizard. Determination evident on her face as she spoke. "Tell me everything about Mara." A small smile on Yen Sid's face at Kairi's request,as Lea too made his way into the room. His arms crossed as well as he too had questions. "She's not the only one, I want answers too." " Then perhaps you should both take a seat, it is a long story." Yen Sid said as Kairi and Lea both took their seats. Each listening intensely to the sorrowful tale of Mara.

A woman who lost everything and found a new home. New purpose, and love. Only to have that ripped from her fingers and plunged into darkness. A story filled with both love and betrayal, that left Kairi in a fit of tears. A tale of grief which shook Lea to the core. A story truly worthy of a woman such as her, a true hero who strove for redemption. A union with her love and family. The story of a Keyblade Master of one flaw. A compassionate heart. With this new knowledge fresh in their minds Master Yen Sid also informed the two of the plans to bring back the past Guardians of Light. Including Roxas and Xion. Leaving the two silent to absorb all the information at hand. But what the two did know was that the battle for Kingdom Hearts was soon to begin. And they needed all the help they could get.

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