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Returning to the "Mysterious Tower" Mara and Riku were welcomed back by Yen Sid. Who questioned the two on the results of their first world. It is then that Mara and Riku explain the scenario involving Vanitas. Along with how Mara's heart was snatched from her like once before. But this time Mara experienced painful memories she wished to remain hidden. Upon learning all this information Yen Sid urges Mara into his office, with Riku trailing not too far behind them. Mara was then told to stand at the very center of the room. While Yen Sid stood a few feet away from Mara. The old Sage waving his hands about forming a pillar of white light which enveloped Mara in a flash.

Barely able to release a gasp Mara suddenly felt the strong urge to sleep overpowering her senses. Her limbs feeling heavier than usual, and Mara now barely able to keep her eyes open. The raven haired woman passing out in the grip of Yen Sid's magic. Her body falling backwards in as Mara's body itself levitated off the ground. A peaceful expression upon her face while Yen Sid and Riku quietly examined Mara's heart. And there upon the very surface of Mara's newly mended heart; was a black spot. To others this spot may mean nothing, but to those who knew like Yen Sid. It placed a heavy burden on the old man and Mara. One he wished he could spare her from. But it appeared that the fate of Mara would never be a merciful one.

Knowing that the grim look on Yen Sid's face was not a good sign. Riku questioned the blight on Mara's heart. Earning a heavy sigh from Master Yen Sid, who eyed Mara and Riku with deep sorrow. Yen Sid then offered Riku to take a seat which he did. All the while Yen Sid summoned the three good fairies. Flora, Fauna and Merryweather to take Mara to her room to rest. Nodding their heads respectfully the three fairies tended to the still floating Mara. Fauna embracing Mara gently before whispering an apology. Taking a deep breathe Yen Sid began to speak. Deciding it would be best to start from the very beginning.

Though this time adding Abit more imagery using his magic. The talented Sage created a perfect replica of Mara's original home world. Lethe. A world of true oblivion according to Mara. As the entire world was engulfed in darkness in the blink of an eye. Leaving only Mara as it's soul survivor. It's people deemed too weak hearted and turned into mere fuel to create the dormant X-blade at the time. " As you know Mara is from a world known once as Lethe. But since has been erased from very exsitence. Though once upon a time Lethe was apart of another world. It's name is lost to us till this day. But we do believe that the inhabitants of Lethe were empty vessels. Devoid of hearts yet." Yen Sid began as already the information was quite alot for Riku.

"Your saying Mara is from a world devoid of hearts?" "Precisely,but somehow one of these vessels was somehow given a heart or perhaps willed it's own heart into exsitence. That we do not know, but we do know is from this sudden birth the erasure of Lethe began. That very same vessel grew into it's heart and became the person we all refer to as Mara. Though her memory is a bit hazy with all the years sleeping in darkness." "How can a vessel make it's own heart? If that's the case the Nobodies would have done it themselves right?" "As I said we do not know all the details. One such a tale suggests that Mara fell from the sky and into the world Lethe. An empty world driven to oblivion at the smallest hint of life. But we do not know. What we do know is Mara is from this strange world with no attachments except her brief memory of the place. But that aside Mara has grown into her own. Though her fragile heart cannot handle the strain of loving two other hearts as well. The darkness is taking root within the very doubts and confusion of Mara's heart." Yen Sid stated as an image of Mara appeared due to Yen Sid's mastery of magic.

The replica of Mara distraught, clutching onto her chest before Riku himself could see Mara's very heart. Breaking into pieces, one piece being thrusts towards silhouettes of Terra and Riku. These images staring mournfully towards the broken Mara,as the moment her heart shattered. The raven haired woman fell to the ground. Her body feeling no longer her own, and heavier. She tried her best to fight back against sleep but Mara knew it was no longer in her choice. Riku watched as the image of Mara dissipated into the air. Leaving no trace of her in the hearts of those who knew her, or loved her. Simply gone. Upon seeing the sight Riku backed away slowly, his own chest heaving up and down rapidly. Struggling to understand all he had seen unfold before him. But it all came to one thing. His feelings for Mara were dividing Mara's heart. Destroying her.

"Your feelings for one another and Mara's feelings for Terra are conflicting. If not handled soon then Mara and all traces of her will fall to oblivion, where even you cannot hope to find her." Yen Sid finished his gaze lowered to the ground after he spoke. Not truly wishing for this end for Mara. Knowing she deserved happiness in life but her fragile heart was not giving her enough time to sort out how she felt in time. "I know this is a lot for you to take in. Keep this to yourself, I hope you are able to continue your journey with all of this in mind." Yen Sid began as Riku through a ragged breathe answered that he would continue to fight. To stand by her side until Riku couldn't anymore. Or until Mara wished him not to. "I am sorry." Yen Sid whispered as Riku straighten his posture, his left my to his chest as he spoke.

"I'll stay by her side until the day comes, either she chooses Terra or me. As long...as she gets to live." Riku breathed as Yen Sid nodded understanding Riku's words. Before bidding the silver haired Keyblade Master to take his leave. While Yen Sid began to dig deeper into the depths of vessels and how to possibly avoid Mara from truly dissapearing. But would it work?

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