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Now awakened from the vivid dream which continued to plague his thoughts,Riku rose from his bed. His disheveled silver bangs hiding the older teens azure orbs. Which was good for the young man,considering he had not been getting much rest as of late. For the dream which had awakened him had plagued Riku since the end of the "Mark of Mastery Exam." Since then Riku had begun having these dreams. Once that seemed so real it was almost haunting. But being Riku, he kept this secret to himself. Believing it could possibly be a side effect from diving into Sora's heart.

But lately as the dreams intensified, to the point that Riku found himself doubting that theory. Shaking his head Riku rose from his bed, the woman's final words in his dream. Causing him extreme discomfort, a headache quickly forming as Riku could hear the woman's distant sobs into the night air. "I failed us all." Her words devoid of hope,her voice tiny. Begging to be heard as the darkness surrounded her.

The amber eyed woman's tears never ceasing as the darkness began to swallow her as well. Only this time the woman uttered a name into the air. Before the darkness consumer her from Riku's view. "Riku." She whispered, jogging Riku out of a brief daydream. For even they were suceptible to the woman. Her pain, Riku's as the young man clenched onto his chest tightly. Gritting his teeth, before slumping to his knees. Riku's breathing heavily labored due to the sharp pain. Which continued to eat him alive.

Riku banged on the ground with his fist, hoping to divert the horrid pain. But was only relieved by a sudden warm touch on his shoulder. Jolting Riku forward before turning his head slowly to see the silhouette of the woman. Her touch surprisingly warm, soothing the pain which had recently plagued Riku. Entranced by the woman Riku remained silent, as the woman then moved her hand to Riku's chest.

Causing a dim amber glow to emit from his chest. A sorrowful smile appeared on the woman's lips as she breathed "You can't keep doing this to yourself." The woman spoke, her words Riku believed was for him. But Riku soon realized they indeed were not. As a phantom image of Terra appeared before Riku. The sudden appearence startling Riku as she stumbled backwards abit. As Terra turned his back to the concerned woman, who's hands were clasped to her chest tightly as she spoke once more.

"Please Terra...I only say this because I-" The woman began, her voice wavering to a mere whisper as she broke into silent tears. Her words shaking Terra,as he struggled to not turn and embrace the woman. Knowing that if he did, he would surely not go through with his plans of leaving the "Land of Departure." "I don't want to argue with you,we both knew this day would come." Terra mumbled,refusing to meet the woman's sorrowful gaze as she choked out "Not now! Not like this!" Her cries causing Terra to crumble, the tall man giving into meeting her gaze. He once again becoming captivated by her golden gaze.

Riku stared at the sight before him, his own heart beating loudly in his chest. The man feeling as if he was invading their private moment. And yet he couldn't look away, for he too couldn't keep his eyes off the woman. Her flaxen orbs reflecting pain, pain Riku felt as he clutched onto his chest. "Please,I dont want to leave fighting with you like this." Terra began as he closed the distance between him and the woman.

Who hiccuped at his sudden closeness, the woman's face turning a bright red in shyness. "Then don't leave then. Stay home, with us. With me." The woman whispered, Terra taking the opputunity to caress her right cheek. "You know I cant do that." Terra stated his words saddening the woman even more. Who broke herself from his grip,turning her back to Terra. Who opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the woman. "Then you've made your decision. I cannot be your second choice." She breatehd making her way to the door.

But was stopped by Terra who beat her to it. "Please dont say that,you dont mean that." Terra spoke his words beating the woman down before she chose to exit the room. Uttering "I cannot and will not wait for you forever." The image of the woman dissipating into a white light. Along with Terra who averted his gaze to the ground. The stressed man pressing his right hand to his forhead in irritation. His body slowly dissapearing as well but not before Riku heard him whisper "Im sorry M."

M. The only thing that Riku could truly link to the woman in his dreams. Was a single letter. Watching as the saddened Terra disappeared from sight, believing it was time he sought some help. Riku quickly dressed,heading up the spiraling staircase which led to the great Wizard Yen Sid. Surely he would have the answers Riku sought,with great haste Riku made his way up the stairs. Opening the vast doors, revealing Yen Sid himself. Standing, gazing into the night sky above them.

Master Yen Sid welcomed Riku, offering him a seat. Before turning his gaze to the young lad. But was startled by what he saw. Riku gripped onto his chest, which continued to emit the dim gold glow from before. Only this time the glow began to intensify in Yen Sid's presence. The light bringing tears to the old mage's eye. As he recalled this familiar warmth. One that had been absent for far too long. And for some reason someone he had forgotten. "I can't believe it.....she's alive." Yen Sid muttered before Riku demanded to know who he was talking about. It was with a smile that Yen Sid answered " The Fourth KeyBlade Master. Mara is alive. And a piece of her fractured heart is within you,Riku." Yen Sid informed.

The words shaking the already confused Riku. Who demanded to know how this had happened. And why no one seemed to even know she existed. "In afraid that would be Mara's doing. She always was a gentle soul. Never wishing to harm others. Even being a Keyblade Master she was a pacifist above all else. She was known for wiping away ones memories." "What matters now is that she is alive, and that fragment within you is crying out for her. Riku you must leave this place and reunite Mara with her heart. Only then will that pain cease...and those dreams of yours." Yen Sid stated, shocking Riku with all the knowledge he held. Riku had believed he had kept the dreams a secret, and yet Yen Sid was already aware of it.

But it couldnt be ignored. This woman, Mara and her cries of pain. Riku could not let them go ignored. He agreed to the journey to which Yen Sid thanked him greatly. Though he warned him, if he were to find Mara. Be aware of be ability. Her manipulation of memory and Riku's bond the two already shared could be a problem. "Be aware of yourself." Yen Sid began as Riku clutched onto his chest while casually flashing the wizard a low smirk.

"I will, see you soon." Riku stated before taking his leave. The young man being told he would be aided to Mara's last location. "I can handle it." Riku said turning to take his leave. And yet Yen Sid couldn't help but to feel a sudden sense of dread. To have memories of Mara return to him was indeed good. But also had, for others whom had met the young woman would too surely remember as well. And one person for sure would soon realize she was alive, and take things into his evil clutches.

"I only hope I was wrong." Yen Sid whispered into the night air,praying that all would go well with thia retrieval mission.

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