Dive Pt.3

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While Riku dealt with Vanitas presently, in her hellish memories Terra was to face off with Vanitas. Both men shrouded in darkness, visible for all to see. Even Aqua who took a hesitant step away, in fear of the darkness taking her as well. But what she did notice was Terra seemed to have Abit of control over his own darkness. Not much,but some. Enough to create a smog of dark most about the area. Hoping to create enough cover to get Mara out of there. "Go to Mara,now!" Terra ordered Aqua whom continued to hold possession over Mara's fragile heart. She took a step towards Terra, deep down Aqua wanted to beg Terra to stay. To give up this fight and escape with her and Mara. And perhaps the three of them could search for Ventus together and return home to the "Land of Departure". 

Home. Where the four of them could live out their lives happily under the fine teachings of Master Eraqus. There together as a family. That was what Aqua wanted, but she wanted more. She wanted Terra more than anything in her life, even though Terra had already chosen whom he wished to be with in this life. And sadly it was not Aqua. Knowing this and swallowing her hurt once more,Aqua did what she knew was right. She hurriedly made her way to the unconscious body of Mara. Her body eerily cold without her heart within it. Carefully Aqua watched as the vibrant heart faded into Mara's chest. Leaving gold traces in the it's wake. Before slowly color began to return to Mara cheeks, along with a light grunt being released from Mara herself. Who struggled to open her eyes only to see Aqua staring down on her. An expression of relief evident on her face, as Aqua careful aided Mara in standing.

Mara's equalibrium (that one time that science actually comes in handy haha) Abit off. Forcing the once proud and strong woman to lean on Aqua for support. As the blue haired woman turned her gaze deeper into the smokescreen. Able to see Terra holding his own against the agile Vanitas. The masked boy seeming to almost blend into the very darkness itself that Terra had created. Angering Terra as he then forced a twister of darkness to envelope Vanitas. The pull of the vast wind ripping about the area indeed pulled Vanitas into it. A small smirk on Vanitas's lips as he effortlessly sliced through the dark twister, dispersing it with a mere swing of his black Keyblade. Throwing Terra off guard who was sure that move should have held him at bay for at least a moment. Gritting his teeth Terra was soon attacked from behind by the skillful Vanitas. Whom laughed manically before stabbing Terra through the abdomen, forcing the tall man to his knees.

Clutching onto his injury as Vanitas held his Keyblade high above his head. Before swiftly lowering it down upon Terra, but it did not get that far. As Mara had forced herself to run to Terra's side, despite the fatigue and pain she felt in her limbs. She simply could not stand by and not act. For as long as Mara was still breathing. Even if her Keyblade was taken or broken. Mara swore she would fight, she would protect her heart. And the heart of the man she loved more than the light itself. With the drive to protect Terra despite her predicament, seemed to give Mara strength from which Aqua had never seen. As a sudden burst of speed sprung from Mara's feet. For Aqua was unable to even track Mara's movements, as she appeared before Vanitas's strike is flurry of white light. Keyblade in hand as Mara perfectly deflected Vanitas's attack, forcing him at bay.

All the while Mara stood tall before Terra, prepared to give her very life to save him from his fate. "I'll show you the wrath of my Keyblade." Mara declared before Aqua rushed to her side. Her back facing Terra as well as Aqua herself summoned her Keyblade. Taking a battle stance beside Mara, wishing to protect Terra as well. "You won't lay a hand on any of us! The light will always defeat the dark." Aqua informed as Vanitas clicked his teeth before the two female Keyblade Weilders. For a moment thinking if he could infact take them down. It would be difficult,but Vanitas knew he could do it. That was until Terra too rose from the ground. His hand resting upon Mara's shoulder, as she turned her head to meet his gaze. Those ocean blue orbs of his for a moment calming Mara despite the situation, as he too formed his Keyblade. Prepared to defend take Vanitas on with both Mara and Aqua by his side. But Vanitas was not.

He took a step back before allowing darkness to overcome his body. Laughing manically Vanitas claimed that this was not over. They in the end all of them would succumb to him. To the darkness and their world along with countless others would be wiped from exsitence. With this Vanitas dissapeared without a trace leaving Terra, Mara and Aqua in Radiant Garden. Terra's hand still clutching onto Mara's shoulder before he regretfully pulled away. But Mara was not having it. She turned to Terra, her hand reaching out for him. Which she was successful in ceasing. Stopping Terra from taking another step. "Please....dont go." Mara whispered her voice trembling, though Terra stiffened at her words and touch. His heart breaking as he muttered his response. His words shockingly cold to Mara which stunned her. Causing Mara to tighten her grip on Terra's arm shaking her head. "No! I won't believe you until you look me in the eye, and tell me that you don't love me anymore!" She cried, Mara's words echoing throughout the town. Her words also bringing Aqua herself to tears whom also had feelings for Terra. But this would get much worse for the three of them. In it's own chaotic way.

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