Chapter One

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Chapter One


Luke heard his mother yelling from downstairs, acting as a secondary alarm clock to the one he had just snoozed multiple times. Still half asleep the blonde groaned, pulling the blue duvet closer to his body and snuggling into his pillow. His mind filled with contradicting voices on whether he should stay in bed.

On the count of three he used his elbows to push himself up so he was sitting, his duvet now just covering his legs. Sighing he pried open his heavy eyelids before throwing back the duvet to reveal his large figure clothed in an old band shirt and boxers. He brought his pale and chubby hands to his innocent eyes and rubbed them in attempts to awaken himself before slowly standing and getting out of bed,

Luke brushed his teeth and awkwardly attempted to style his greasy blonde hair into a type of quiff that he knew would fall down flat on his head by the end of the day. After he fumbled attempting to do up the buttons that squeezed his soft flesh.

After the fifteen-year-old slowly dawdled down the stairs, passing all the family photos over the years that showed the progression of the blondes weight gain, to now at which he was at his heaviest. The young boy was naive to how big he had gotten, it sugar-coated by his mother who always told him he looked fine.

Luke smiled as he smelt the sweet scent of pancakes lingering in the air as he reached the kitchen where his mother had placed four pancakes in front of his normal seat. She knew it was one of his favourite breakfasts and as a child, he always demanded more, but she knew there had to be a limit to how many calories he consumed in the morning alone. She knew they were not healthy for her son, and she was aware he was overweight but she only ever wanted for him to be happy. And the love and small lies she provided him with blinded the fifteen-year-old from the truth.

He happily tucked into the sweet breakfast, getting a small amount of syrup around the edge of his mouth which he happily licked off.

The blondes older brother walked into the kitchen and looked over at Luke who was happily and obliviously eating his breakfast. He looked at his mother who quickly shook her head for him to remain quiet. She gave Jack his own two pancakes, in which Luke looked up and stared at them. It took everything the middle son had to not leave a snide remark about the boys unhealthy eating and figure, but he knew it would only upset his mother. He just thought it might make his younger brother aware of his size and consequently decide to cut down the amount of food he consumed.

Once Luke was done he gave his mother his plate, and let her wrap her arms around him, feeling his soft flesh beneath them. She pulled away and looked at her son sadly. "We need to get you some new school shirts," she remarked. Liz was then going to clarify that he had outgrown them with age but her middle son beat her to it.

"They've gotten a bit tight Lukey. You might want to cut down on one of those pancakes!"

"Jack!" Liz scolded, shock in her tone. Luke pouted at his mother. He knew he wasn't skinny, that his stomach was probably a little too soft, but he didn't see what was wrong with that. "It's just baby fat," Liz dismissed, placing the plate in the sink not wanting to look at either of her sons. "Luke's going through puberty. He'll soon shoot up and shed it all as you did."

"I was barely fat!" Jack argued offended. "I wasn't obese." Luke furrowed his eyebrows at his brother, he didn't understand why he was being so harsh. He wasn't sure whether it was true.

"Jack!" she exclaimed once again. "Luke why don't you go and get your stuff ready for school, the bus will be here soon, you don't want to be late," she blurted out, wanting to get him out of the kitchen and keep him as innocent and as unconcerned as she could.

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