Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


As soon as Liz opened the front door she engulfed her eldest son in a huge embrace, cherishing the moment. Not only as she had not seen him in a while, but also because she wanted to know that he was okay. She couldn't feel his bones when they hugged him which put her at ease unlike when she held her youngest son.

"You know I've already had enough time off work and if I get fired I'm moving back in!" he joked as she let him go, closing the door behind them.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I'm just worried and needed an unbiased view. And your father well he's your father and you're the most rational out of all of us," Liz rambled as she hurried into the kitchen to ensure the toast she was cooking wasn't burning.

Ben could not help but chuckle and took the cup of coffee she had just poured him, sitting at the kitchen table and looking around at the familiar setting he had not seen in nearing six months.

When he had seen his younger brother last he knew he had lost weight, a fair twenty or so pounds and he looked a lot healthier.

He had not however been there over the further months in which the blonde continued to lose weight quicker than ever as. After every meal he ate, he quickly rushed up to the bathroom and emptied it all into the toilet by violently forcing his fingers down the back of his throat.

But, this past month even the thought of letting the food into his body made Luke feel sick and with that, he began to refuse to eat altogether, only when he thought it was necessary and he knew he was too weak to continue. He crafted all types of excuses, stayed away from home for as long as possible so he missed dinner, walking endlessly along with the neighbourhoods.

And if he was at home the young boy was continuously occupied by nasty thoughts that wouldn't leave him alone, slowly and gradually descending him into a depressive state. It did not take the blonde much until he took the blade from a new razor his mother had brought him for his barely sprouting facial hair and brought it to his pale, thin skin and created small slits in which blood oozed out of. Each cut always is hidden craftily under an oversized jumper or loose jeans that hung on the malnourished boy.

"You look tired," Ben remarked as he watched his mother who sipped her own tea, in an old mug that the trio had brought her for mothers day many years ago, that came with a teddy bear. The phrase 'worlds best mum' printed across it in a faded font. Neither of the three sons would disagree with the statement.

Letting out a small chuckle, she placed the mug down and pushed her hair back out her face. "Luke's just worrying me, it's all I can think about. I'm probably being stupid and overprotective, am I?" she rambled once again, evident worry in her tone.

"Probably, you're just a great mother! You'd be the same if Jack and I lost some weight. We all know he was a little too big and the vast difference seems odd. But's he's growing up now and he was bound to lose it," he tried to rationalise.

"Well he did lose it," Jack answered entering the kitchen, his pyjama bottoms halfway around his naked torso, slightly dragging the floor. Stubble littering his face as he had yet to shave it, and dark bags under his eyes similar to his mothers due to the countless sleepless nights he had had comforting his mother because of his younger brother. "He lost enough weight to be as healthy as you and me and then he continued to lose it and I'm not sure there is much more to lose."

Ben looked at his younger brother and knew he was being sincere. He felt his heart sink slightly and bit his lip at the uncertainty of how much weight his little brother had actually lost. You never really knew anything until you experienced it yourself.


It wasn't unusual for the blonde to be greeted with a wave of dizziness when he got out of bed in the morning. He simply closed his eyes, collecting himself in an attempt to refrain from collapsing back into bed. He had gotten good at mastering it.

The scorching temperature of the shower too would heighten his dizziness but the heat burnt his skin and wounds, awakening him to reality. Although he knew it wasn't possible, he always imagined the burning hot water melting off the excess flesh he had on his body.

Luke was never happy with his appearance anymore. Whether it was his greasy hair, thin and falling out, or his body— he could never be content. His uniform hung on his tiny frame but he truly believed he could only just squeeze in on past his thick thighs and an ever-expanding waistline.

The fifteen-year-old bit his lip and let his feet lead him down the stairs where he would be met with the breakfast his mother always pleaded him to eat and he had to try and avoid the temptation and carefully create a perfect excuse to get out of it. It had been four days now since the boy had eaten anything, he had only drunk a couple of glasses of water, and he knew it would be more efficient if he could make it five and maybe even a week.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs the blonde paused momentarily at the sound of an unfamiliar yet familiar voice. His brother Ben. Taking yet another deep breath the youngest brother stepped into the kitchen, his eyes focused on the cold tiled floor.

"Morning Lukey!" his mother chimed in hopes to engage the boy in a conversation as he had become reclusive as of recent.

"Morning," he muttered, before allowing his eyes to flicker over to his brother, Ben. "Why are you here?" he asked not knowing he was going to be here and he did not want anyone else complaining about his body. He sat down opposite his eldest brother and sipped on the glass of chilled water his mother had already placed there.

"Nice to see you too," Ben remarked, knowing his brother did not mean in harshly, he was just confused. He let his eyes observe his youngest brother. His skin pale, almost transparent, stretched tightly over his facial bones— extenuating his cheekbones, making his eyes appear hollow. His uniform hanging off his body. "You look good Luke," he said, it was a blatant lie but he figured the blonde didn't want to hear him say he looked half-dead.

Luke's head shot up and his mother and brother looked at the eldest confused. The blonde didn't say anything, he didn't know what to say because he knew he didn't look good.

When Ben figured the blonde was not going to say anything he sighed and continued. "Are you having any breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day?" he asked with hope.

Luke once again looked at him, a scowl comes across his face. "I need to get to school early, the bus—" he lied, beginning to stand up again.

"I can give you a lift," Ben dismissed. "Please stay, I don't know the next time I'll be here and mum has cooked pancakes specially for today."

"No I really need to go," he rushed, standing up. Ben looked at his mother and Jack, pleading for them to get him to stay.

"I'll give you a lift now if you want. The bus is grotty anyway," Ben suggested, standing up to follow the blonde.

"No—" Luke disagreed, attempting to rush off into the hallway to collect his bag and shoes but he was overcome with a sense of dizziness and found his vision becoming a menacing black as his body collided with the cold tiled floor.


Thank you so much for reading.

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