Chapter Thirty-two

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Chapter Thirty-two


"Do you think-" Luke spoke, looking up from his book. Inspired by the words he was reading to ask a question.

Ashton was laying vertically on the bed, whilst the blonde lay horizontally with his head resting on his torso. He placed his book on his chest and looked adoringly at his lover.

"All the time. I am a good thinker you know," Ashton replied, smirking at the blonde wanting to mess about with him. Not in the mood for his serious, deep questions when they were both so content at present.

Luke was happy today. He woke up on the right side of the bed and he had a slight glimmer in his eyes.

"That's not what I meant silly," Luke laughed, sitting up, throwing the book on the floor, forgetting to mark his page. "Do you think-"

"Yep," Ashton quickly interjected, leaning forward, and pulling the so he was straddling his waist. 

The blonde was more comfortable with intimate contact now. He was just nervous because of his first relationship. He always complained he was too heavy and would squash the older boy. And Ashton had to admit he was significantly heavier than when they first starting cuddling. But he was still very light, light enough that Ashton didn't struggle to hold the younger boy. 

"Will you stop it!" Luke complained, gently hitting the boys chest. "I am trying to ask you something very important."

"Ask away," the curly-haired boy grinned, cupping the boy's face and placing a small kiss on his forehead.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Luke paused for a moment before groaning. "Ug! Now I forgot what I was going to say."

"Who's the silly one know?" Ashton asked, smiling caringly at the younger boy. Luke shot him a warning look and leant down to pick up his book but Ashton held his tightly to prevent him from doing so.

"Ashton!" Luke protested, not understanding why the older boy was being so difficult today. He tried to struggle out of his grip, despite being a lot stronger he failed as Ashton gently pushed him down and began to tickle the boy.

To Ashton's shock Luke quickly and rather violently pushed his hand away, flushing a bright red. "You know I don't like that," he mumbled. 

Ashton retreated and sighed as Luke moved away at sat on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry," he apologised, knowing the blonde had told him that before. "I thought you might have been a little more comfortable now."

Luke tried to fight back tears and shook his head. "Why would I want you touching my fat?" Luke shot back. "It's disgusting."

Ashton smiled sadly, he sat on the side of the bed next to the blonde and took his hand, gently drawing circles within it. He sometimes found it odd how quickly the blondes emotions turned, despite being the bipolar one. But he had been stable for so long now, his monotony of emotions was the norm.

"I'm sorry," Luke whispered, placing a kiss on the curly-haired boy's temples. "Just insecure still, that's all."

Ashton nodded. "That's understandable. Physical improvement doesn't entail mental."

Luke laughed at looked down at his stomach, it was still pretty flat. But, Luke had never felt this heavy in his life. But, he knew that Ashton didn't care. 

When the blonde had cried the week prior, Ashton kissed every inch of skin and told him it was beautiful and healthy. Ashton had never said that to Luke before. He'd never said that his body was beautiful without any hint of a lie. He knew that Ashton thought his body was normal now, and he worshipped it. Luke knew that although he couldn't see it, he was doing something right for once.

Luke took the hand that Ashton was holding and placed it on his stomach. Ashton looked at him shocked, knowing that was the place where he was most insecure. "Make me laugh," Luke whispered, looking at the boy beggingly.

Ashton smiled widely, feeling that Luke had just achieved something immense. Slowly and cautiously he began to tickle the boy causing Luke to squirm and giggle. There was a little soft flesh under his finger, but barely anything for Luke to be concerned about. Ashton only did so for a couple of seconds, not wanting the blonde's thoughts to wander. 

Luke looked at him thankfully. A huge grin on his face, his eyes filled with tears. A mixture of those he just felt from being insecure, those from being tickled and those of happiness for the amount of care and affection Ashton gave him. 

There was a small tap on the door which caused the boys to drop their stare and advert their gaze to the door. Luke felt a small pang of annoyance as he saw Alex at the door, he just wanted to spend time with Ashton. He took Ashton's hand and squeezed it tightly, the man not failing to notice. 

"Luke are you okay to come with me?" he asked, knowing that the boy probably didn't want to, and often giving the boy the illusion of freedom made him agree with less fuss.

Luke sighed but nodded, he didn't want to know where he was going. He assumed it was probably just a session or something. 

Ashton slowly let go of his hand and said reassuringly. "I'll see you at dinner."

However, Alex turned around, ensuring the blonde did not see and shook his head. Leaving Ashton to sit there and wonder where the blonde was going and when he would next see him.


Luke huffed and paused when he saw the corridor they were going down. Alex turned around and smiled reassuringly at the blonde.

"Not today," Luke shook his head. "I'm not ready. I haven't prepared myself. It's supposed to be tomorrow." Luke did not like being weighed out of schedule and he most certainly did not like being weighed in the middle of the day when he was at his heaviest with breakfast and lunch loitering in his stomach. 

The therapist could see the tears in his eyes. Not knowing they were already there, now another reason being added to the list of why they were falling. There was panic evident all over his face.

"I know this isn't going to be easy for you. But, we are thinking about changing your treatment plan and the quicker we get you weighed the quicker you can start."

Luke shook his head. He didn't want to change. Why would they want to change what was going so well? He was gained weight, what more could they want? "I don't want to."

"If this goes as plan Luke, we might be able to send you home. That's what you want, is it not?" Alex didn't want to guilt trap the blonde, but ideally, this needed to be done today. And at present, there was no getting Luke to even go down the corridor to get himself weighed. 

Luke didn't know what he wanted anymore. His mind was too conflicted. Did he want to recover or be thin? Did he want to go home to his family or be with Ashton? His head was spinning. The boy sunk down the wall and rested his head on his hands.

"I'll tell you what Luke, I'll give you some time to think and I'll wait here with you. And when you're ready, we'll get you weighed. But, it's going to happen today."


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