Chapter Forty-one

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Chapter Forty-one


It is normal for a mother to get more excited than her son when they go on their first date - despite Luke finding it completely ridiculous and necessary.

"Is he taking you to dinner?" Liz asked excitedly as she sat in the living room with her son who was eagerly looking out the window. Wanting to escape her manic.

"I told you it's a surprise," Luke mumbled. "Besides it would be pretty silly if he did."

The excitement of her youngest son finding love made her completely forget about her son's disorder - that it prevented him from doing normal teenage things out of fear.

"Knowing Ashton we'll probably go on a walk - he used to talk about that a lot."

"What did you say he had again?" she asked, knowing the implication of his mental disorder but not remembering the name.

"Bipolar," Luke informed her, before looking at his mother seriously. "But he's nice, he wouldn't hurt me."

Liz nodded, knowing the blonde got protective about the situation. "I know sweetie, he seems really lovely. We should invite him over to dinner sometime," she suggested.

Luke looked back over to the window when he heard a car, recalling that Ashton's car was blue. The car slowing down outside was just that and he found himself standing up and taking a deep breath. "Bye mum," he said, giving her a hug and leaving the living room.

She watched the fifteen-year-old leave the house, and walk down the drive to the car. She smiled to herself - she really did love her son, despite how difficult he could be. She couldn't have wished for him to be any other way and hoped the boy he liked respected him for being gentler than the normal guy.


Almost as soon as Ashton drove away, he placed his hand on the boy's thigh and grinned. He missed touching the blonde, the feeling it created in his stomach every time they were close.

"How is it being home?" Luke asked, watching Ashton concentrate on the road, admiring how he could drive.

"It's nice," Ashton said. "It's weird, it's going to take some getting used to. My family are still scared of me like they are walking on eggshells. I just really want them to trust me again."

Luke nodded understandingly; he felt the same way and his family were only just coming around to that now. Obviously the situation was slightly different, Luke was still recovering - but he figured it was normal for any family.

"I missed you," Luke said, placing his hand on Ashton's. "My mum didn't realise how serious we are."

Ashton chuckled. "I missed you too Luke - I was pretty lonely on the ward. Have you been behaving for you mum?" he asked in a joking tone.

Luke rolled his eyes. "I'm not a child! I'm sixteen next week!" Ashton laughed, taking a quick glance at the boy. He looked a little better than when he left - a bit brighter. He didn't know if he was eating right, but he assumed he probably had been - he was going in the right direction when he left the ward.

"I didn't want to risk taking you to a restaurant just yet, so I thought we could go on a walk along the beach if that's okay?"

Luke nodded in response, knowing Ashton would be a consideration. "Secretly allowing me to burn calories," Luke said sarcastically.

Ashton looked at the boy shocked, he knew he made these types of jokes, but they always caught him off guard. "Luke," he said seriously, not laughing.

"Sorry," Luke muttered, looking out of the window. "You know this is my way of dealing with it. It was just a joke. I really am doing okay you know?"

"I know. I just don't like you speaking like that. It's not healthy." Ashton sighed, he was hoping nothing like this would happen, but he knew it would because Luke was still sick and it wasn't just going to disappear for a couple of hours.

Changing the subject Luke quickly said. "My mum wants to invite you around for dinner."

"That'd be nice," Ashton said, giving the boys leg a squeeze knowing he was probably overthinking the previous situation. "My mum said the same thing."


"Are you sure you don't want any?" Ashton asked cautiously as he stood in front of the blonde who was sat on a bench, tired from the walking.

Luke shook his head. "Can I share some of yours?" he asked. "My mum made me eat a bigger lunch so I'm really not hungry."

Ashton didn't know if the blonde was lying but left it be. He was allowed to miss meals, Sid had told him that when he asked about how to deal with blonde on the outside world. "Okay. Take my jacket," he said, taking his off and handing it to the blonde.

Ashton then went to queue to get some chips, Luke watching him adoringly, finding comfort in the scent of the jacket. It smelt like Ashton, his cologne.

Luke could smell it at night, reminding him of the presence of Ashton, his hand tightly around his waist. Luke moved his hand so it rested on his left hip, seeing what Ashton felt. His body freezing slightly with panic at the soft flesh that was forming there. He hadn't gained much weight - only three pounds these last to weeks - but it suddenly hit him that his body was changing.

"Here you go," Ashton said, sitting beside the boy. Their shoulders touching, Luke shuffled away a little.

The curly-haired boy held a chip up to the blonde's mouth and he shook his head. He didn't want any anymore - despite how romantic the gesture would have been.

"What's wrong?" Ashton asked softly, regretting leaving the blonde alone for a couple of minutes.

"I feel sick," Luke whispered, his throat feeling tight. "I'm sorry."

Ashton threw his chip back into the packet and looked at the blonde. He did suddenly look pale, and he was breathing heavily.

Still keeping his space, the older boy asked. "Are you having a panic attack?"

Luke didn't realise that was what was happening, but he was. Everything had suddenly just hit him like a truck. That he was now free to roam the world again - he could do stuff like this, and everything around him had a way to provoke his disorder. But, Ashton's touch. Ashton's innocent touch when sweetly holding his waist had driven him over the edge.

Luke closed his eyes and nodded. Everything was swaying, everything was running at a hundred miles per hour.

Ashton decided to stand up, giving the boy some more space. "Just breath Luke. Listen to the sea and breath."


I don't really like this chapter but oh well!

I have one more essay left and I'm finished with my first year of uni which is mental - it went by so quickly.

How is everyone doing? What country are you from and what restrictions do you currently have?

Please comment on what you thought.

Thank you so much for reading. 

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