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Hands wrapped around the blonde's waist Ashton smiled into the blondes hair as he watched his boyfriends mother and now step-father welcome guest to their after party.

"I've never been to a wedding before," Ashton said, for the third time that day. Luke laughed and nodded just playing along with it. He found that his boyfriend repeated things a lot, and to just accept it was the best way to keep the older boy calm.

"It was nice," Luke responded, watching his own mother who he had never seen look happier.

She had got her hair and makeup done professionally, makeup being something she never wore before. But, all three of her sons knew how special this moment was for her, she was marrying someone she genuinely wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

Releasing the blonde from his grip, as old friends and family (some of which Luke had never met before) began to fill the space, Ashton lightly led the blonde to a table in the corner of the room. Not wanting him to get too overwhelmed by questions this early on in the night.

"Do you want a drink?" Ashton asked, cheekily winking at the boy. He knew his boyfriend didn't like alcohol, he had not acquired the test for it yet.

Laughing Luke responded. "Just a coke please."

Ashton left the boy as he headed to the bar, Luke watching him walk confidently over. He always admired his confidence, his lack of care of what people thought about himself. Ashton liked himself so why should it matter what other people think. It might seem vain to some, but Ashton knew he was the best possible version of himself.

He observed the older boys figure, how well his suit fit against his body. Highlighting his waist slightly, but not so the jacket was too tight.

Luke looked down and ran his fingers over his suit trousers, before pulling the fabric at his waist that was still a little loose. He had assured his mother when she brought them that he would fit into them. That he wanted to do that.

But, he didn't realise how hard it would actually be to gain weight. Alex had been helping him, explaining to him that it wasn't going to be easy because he was a growing teenager. That it would get a lot easier in a couple of years. But, in the span of five months, he had only managed to gain around ten pounds.

No one minded, however. They knew that Luke was eating just about enough. That it wasn't ideal timing for the blonde to be trying to gain with his age. It would require way too many calories to see anything drastic, and he still wasn't ready for that.

Luke hadn't realised that his mind had disassociated again. It wasn't till he heard an unfamiliar voice ask, "Still daydreaming Luke?" that he jumped back into reality.

Noticing the coke in front of him, and Ashton's hand in his own he turned to look at the source of the voice and froze slightly. It was from Victoria. And beside her Sid.

Looking back and forth from the pair, he didn't know what to say. All he could do was pick up his drink and sip through the straw. It was almost a power move to show them what he was now capable of.

Placing a supportive hand on his shoulder she told the blonde that he looked well.

"Thank you," Luke said, with a polite smile. His eyes flickering over to Sid to see if he was looking at him or not. He was. "I think I'm okay," he agreed shakily.

"I think you are Luke. Alex said you're doing well. That you've had a few bumps along the road but you finally realise now. And you Ashton," she said including the older boy who she did not know as well.

"The meds do most of the work," Ashton shrugged. "Luke hates that I repeat everything. Never a new conversation," he smirked. Luke playfully smacking him, still fully aware of Sid's stare.

The man never believed in their love. He thought they were two broken boys who relied too much on each other to get by. But, he could tell how it was genuine. The pair cared for each other. They could tolerate and understand each other's troubles without it evoking conflict.

Sid looked over his shoulders at the married couple who were talking with guests, tightly holding onto each others' waists. "That'll be you two one day. You're no more off one's rockers than them."


The final chapter! Gonna be a bit lost without this book.

I really hoped you enjoyed it and it was more tolerable than the original.

If you liked it then check out my new book Hold My Hand.

Thank you once again for reading.

Off Ones Rockers II • LashtonWhere stories live. Discover now