Chapter Forty-seven

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Chapter Forty-seven


After their talk, Alex left the blonde to sleep as he was weak and could barely keep his eyes open. He went and joined the boy's mother who herself had not slept, and was sat curled up in a chair in the family room.

"How was he?" she asked through a hoarse voice. At the sound of voices, Jack awoke and looked at the pair groggy, a little hungover from the night out. He had not expected to go straight to the hospital, hoping to sleep in till at least noon.

"He's okay. We had a little talk about everything I think he's okay now. He's still a little weak though."

"I really don't know what goes through that boy's head. He was stupid doing that. He should have known better," she mumbled and sat beside her, letting her place her head on his lap.

Jack looked at them oddly. He didn't know they were this intimate. He thought it was just talking.

"He's sick Liz. His mind doesn't quite work like ours. You need to remember that. You both need to stop blaming each other, and maybe just talk about things," Alex suggested knowing that there was some tension between the pair, he didn't know quite what it was but it was clearly affecting them both.

"Blaming me? Blaming me for wanting to have a life?" she said sitting up and looking at him in disbelief.

Jack groaned at the sound of a raised voice. His head already pounding. "You should have told him straight up mum. You're both as bad as one another. You lie to him, creeping around him with subtle lies. Not telling him about Alex is a big mistake though. Alex means a lot to him," Jack looked over at the man realising that he was telling him something the blonde told him in confidence. "Luke said you're like a dad to him. And he's scared to tell you stuff, you know? Because he never wants to not have therapy, scared that he'll lose you from his life. Not having a father around, despite how shit dad was to him, really did affect him. And you sort of fill in the gap."

Alex felt touched by that. He evidently cared for Luke. He would not have travelled last minute to the hospital if he did not.

With tears in her eyes, Liz admitted. "He's never said a bad word against you. That's why I was so sure that I could actually see someone. I thought you'd be perfect for this family." She then turns to Jack. "I was thinking about Alex moving in with us?" She suggested, hope in her eyes that her son would grant it.

Jack shrugged. "I don't care. I won't be here much longer. You know that the permission you need is Luke's. But, I think if you do, you can't be his therapist. That's not fair on him."

Alex shook his head. "I would not try to be." He knew that would be hard but he would try.


"No!" Luke stated bluntly. "Absolutely not!"

"Okay," Liz said gently, wanting to keep the situation as calm as possible. Luke was now sat on top of his bed, Ashton sat beside him, taking the cup of tea out of his hands. "Can I ask why?"

"I'm not ready. I can't do it."

Liz looked down and sighed, quickly wiping away a tear. She was disappointed. Alex had suggested that Luke would be okay with it, their talk seeming to imply that.

"I'm sorry," he said, looking at them both. "I just need time, that's all. I didn't expect you to want to move in with us so quickly."

"I should have told you, Luke, I really am sorry for keeping it from you. But, I knew you would not have taken it well. I mean look what you've just done!"

Alex gave her hand a tight squeeze and shook his head. Ashton too rubbed a gentle pattern into the blonde's thigh to try and keep him calm.

"Why don't you do like a taster?" Ashton suggested. "My mum and step-dad did that. It helped us ease into things. He just stayed for the weekend for a while. Or just here and there, and it soon became normal."

Luke looked over at his boyfriend with pleading eyes, begging for him to stop. He didn't want them to, and he didn't want it to be partial either. No meant no.

Ashton gently rubbed the blondes cheek and said lightly. "I know you're not happy Luke, but you can't let that stop other people being happy. It's not fair."

Alex looked over at Ashton with a perplexed expression. He knew he was not supposed to hear that but he did. He wanted to ask more but knew it was not the right time and made a note to ask Ashton about it at some later time.

"Okay," Luke agreed to look down at his lap. "But I want to eat dinner alone. You can't be there, and you can't talk to me about anything that isn't normal. I need those lives separate."

Alex smiled at the blonde thankfully, giving Liz's hand a tight, exciting squeeze. "Thank you, Luke. But if at any time you feel it gets too much just tell me and I'll leave."

Luke shook his head. "I'll leave. I can come to yours right?" Luke asked looking at Ashton.

"Of course, you know my mum adores you." He turned to Alex with a slight laugh. "She makes sure he's well-fed. When she first saw him she thought he was about to drop dead, she couldn't believe that he was actually healthy."

Luke slapped Ashton playfully, grinning at him adoringly. "She's the reason I'm getting fat!" Luke complained."

The curly-haired boy cuddled the boy's waist and breathed heavily at the feeling of his soft skin. "Don't use that word. It's so nasty. You're becoming healthier Luke!"

For a split second the pair realised that there were three other people in the room. Luke over at Alex and his mother. "I want you both to feel what Ashton and I do. I really do. It's just going to take time for me to adapt to it."

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