Chapter Thirty-one

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Chapter Thirty-one


When both of Alex's colleagues received an email asking for a meeting as soon as possible regarding his patients discharge they were highly perplexed. It had not been a thought that had crossed either of their minds, the young boy being nowhere near to recovered.

However, they knew that Alex wasn't insane, that he didn't just spontaneously decide to ask about such a thing. That he must have contemplated it for a while. They knew the man wanted the best for the boy, his relationship a little different to the blonde to his connection to his mother - that Luke still was unaware of. 

So they knew that Alex thought this was what was best for the fifteen-year-old. The meeting, therefore, was to determine if he had any sound grounds for requesting so. And as all three sat in Victoria's office, the two men opposite from the woman, two-thirds of the room could not postulate anyway Luke would benefit from it.

Neither Sid nor Victoria knew how to start the conversation. They didn't think this was going to be a conversation they were going to be having for at least a couple more months. Victoria had scanned through the boy's notes late last night and there were many things she was not content with the boy's recovery. Likewise, with Sid, as he had already alluded this to Alex the day prior.

"I know you probably think this is absurd," Alex chuckled slightly, feeling a mist a judgement hover in the air. He no doubt thought that they were doubting his skills as a psychiatrist, he already was weak in the field of eating disorders and often required their aid. But, this made him seem like he was insane. "And I am aware that sending him home is a big risk, but I don't think this is the correct environment for Luke to recover in."

Victoria took her glasses off and pitifully looked at the younger male. She knew he had good intentions, and she had yet to hear his argument, but she couldn't see any way he could win. "I know it looks like Luke has progressed a long way. He is obviously now just scratching at a healthy weight, not ideal - but fair enough. But, I have seen little mental change in him. He has simply put up a facade."

Alex nodded. He agreed with everything Victoria was saying, but he saw the situation in a different light. "I know there has been little to no mental change in Luke. But, don't you think that might be due to the environment. You pointed it out yesterday Sid, Luke's recovery is passive, he is acting how we want him to act. What happens when he does leave this place? He's not going to cope!"

"That's exactly why we wouldn't send him home now. His mother wouldn't be able to get him to consume anything and his weight would fall again. And with his weight still low, it would only make his situation worse," Victoria defended, not understanding Alex's point.

Alex sighed and looked down. He didn't know how to explain his gut feeling. He knew that it was a chance sending Luke home, he knew the risks. But, after all these months here and the blonde still being so detached, it was clear it was not working despite the external evidence. "We can all agree that Luke's major issue is control right?"

Sid hummed in response, but Victoria remained silent. She agreed that blondes eating disorder probably stemmed out of his lack of self-control regarding food. Hence why when that self-control was removed he would often get frustrated, and cause harm to himself. Both remained silent and let Alex elaborate on his point. 

"Again like you said Sid, Luke is eating as if he were a robot programmed to do so. He eats at the same time every day, he does so because he has to. And he knows the consequences if he does not so. He's not in control, and it's comfortable for him because he doesn't have to deal with the internal of conflict if he was choosing to eat."

Victoria looked over at Sid who was staring at the wall behind Alex. "Do you agree?" she asked, knowing that it was probably him who stimulated this idea of the younger man. Although not intending this consequence.

Sid hummed once again, still thinking about the situation. "It's impossible to tell. We don't know how Luke would react if he were to go home. And if your theory is right, then he is bound to struggle which is inevitably going to leave him and his family in a difficult situation."

"So we continue what we're doing then?" Alex asked, growing more and more disappointed for the outcome. He yearned for the best possible situation for the blonde. And he was certain that he knew that was not here. 

"Unless we give him a week, where he goes off a treatment plan. He lives here and decides is he wants to go to therapy, decides if he wants to eat," Sid proposed. 

"I don't think we can risk that," Victoria remarked. "Luke refusing to eat for a week would affect his body-"

Sid interjected. "If we have to step in, we will. But, by letting him choose when he eats and what he eats, it's giving him that freedom he has at home. He has to choose the food, he has to calculate whether he wants to eat something that he knows will nourish him or act in a way that benefits his disorder. And it allows us to see whether or not he's improved in any way to know how he actually feels in relation to his body."

Alex nodded in agreement. He knew that if Luke were to be discharged, it would take a couple of weeks. He wouldn't want Luke leaving at such a low weight anyway. 

Victoria wasn't so sure. She understood what they were implying, and knew that for some people psychiatric wards weren't the right treatment. 

"What's making you so hesitant?" Alex asked, knowing they needed her consent to go ahead, she had to sign off saying that he could go off his schedule for the week. Otherwise, it would not reflect well on the boys and the hospital's record.

"It seems unfair on Luke. It's really going to confuse him, and it definitely would be easy on him if he really is still struggling."

Sid nodded understanding but didn't agree. "His disorder isn't fair Victoria. And recovery isn't easy. He will have to go through this when he is discharged anyway. I think it is probably the most practical approach we can take."

Victoria knew they were right. She just didn't want to see the poor boy suffer any more than he already was. "Okay," she agreed. "I want him weighed today and then I want you to pay close attention to his physical health throughout the week." She looked at the pair, Sid knowing that he was going to have to contribute to this as much as Alex as the younger man wasn't quite sure what he was getting himself into. "Bring him here at dinner, and I'll tell him we're changing his treatment."


Sorry, it's not too good. Nothing really came out how I wanted it to, so it might be a bit confusing.

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