Chapter 5

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(A/N: This is during the same time period as in chapter 4, but this is Lucas and Sabre's conversation between each other while the others talking were talking to Cliff)


As the Steves comforted the man standing before them, Lucas finally noticed that Sabre no longer had his bandanna on which was odd since Sabre never took off his bandanna since he was a child with few exceptions of course.

"Sabre, what happened to your bandanna?"

Unlike everyone else, Sabre is comfortable to show his eyes to Lucas since he seen them before Sabre even wore his bandanna. Besides he went through the same thing as Sabre when they were younger, but Sabre and some others had it worse.

"When we were fighting Memory, he told us that behind my bandanna, are the only things from Rainbow's past that still exist. After he explained somethings, he disappeared meaning he no longer exist. Lucas, he knew about my past, our past"

Lucas' eyes widen, no one knew their past besides each other, "H-How?"

"He told us he can look through other people memories" Sabre said then went back to his explanation, "Rainbow and I then went into a cave for the night, Rainbow wanted to see my eyes to remember his past; I was afraid, but I showed him. Then that guy, Cliff" he gestured over to the man who is receiving four death glares/warning looks from the four Steves, "had appeared while Rainbow was in memory land and held a sword to my neck. When Rainbow came back to his senses, Cliff told us that he will have me.... again. I don't understand at all. He then grabbed my shoulder hard enough to make blood seep out and me scream causing Rainbow to remember who the person in. Rainbow shot an arrow into Cliff's shoulder causing him to release me"

"How's your shoulder?" Lucas barely touch the area stained with red when Sabre flinched to his touch, "Sorry"

"Don't worry, it just stings, but the bleeding stopped a while ago, thankfully. However, it will be hard to get red out of white" Sabre joke, but his face was replaced with a serious one, "What about you? You were being carried by Plague, unconscious may I add"

Sabre glanced at Lucas to see if he had any injuries, but his eyes landed on the blonde's hands. Just like him, Lucas wore gloves since he was a kid to hide a scar he had since birth.


Lucas knew what Sabre was about to ask so he said, "Let me explain first"

"Well Plague kept me company for a bit after you guys left to fight Memory in a big rush." Lucas gave Sabre a knowing look while the other gave him a sheepish one.

"Sorry about that, we were not expecting you to come back any time soon. I still have a lot to explain too"

"It's okay Sabre" The blonde patted the brunette's uninjured shoulder, "Anyways, this guy name Rift said the same thing to me before Plague saved me. That guy forcefully took off my gloves to check if I was his 'lost gem' as he said" Lucas held up a hand that has the scar on it, "Plague saved me, there was a flash of white and that was it; the rest I passed out for. You know Sabre, when he took off my gloves, I felt something change in me. I felt so much fear rushing in me all at one time."

"I felt the same when I saw Cliff, but that was because he held a stone sword to my neck. I wonder why they are after us" Sabre said.

"I have no clue" Lucas rub his hands; he was getting tingling sensations, "It feels so weird, I haven't taken those gloves off for long periods of time"

"Yeah, it's been what 11 years since we had them, and we never took them off unless it was for a short amount of time. To be honest everything is a lot brighter without my bandanna" Sabre said.

"Don't you dare thing we are going to let you, or Rift get your hands on them!" Dark growled. Sabre and Lucas turn hearing Dark's outburst. They saw Cliff smirking and there seemed to be an evil glint in his eyes. All of sudden, Lucas felt very afraid.

"S-Sabre" Lucas whispered holding onto Sabre's sleeve.

"What's wrong Lucas?" Sabre was very concerned about his friend's change in behavior.

"It's four against one Cliff might as well go" Nightmare recommended.

"He's here" Lucas whimper. He was here, he was close, he could feel him. That's when Sabre realized something: Cliff was a distraction for the Steves, leaving both of them vulnerable.

"Oh, Nightmare, it's actually two against four" Just as he said that, Lucas was grabbed by the waist and was hauled up off his feet.

"Let him go!" Sabre yelled as he tried to help his friend by hitting the guy, but the person grabs his wrist in one hand while the other was securely around a flailing Lucas' waist.

"Ahhhhh! Let me go!" Lucas cried; he didn't want to feel this again. He didn't want to be touch by this man.

"Let Lucas and Sabre go Rift" Nightmare said sternly. Rift smirk and look over to Cliff with a knowing look.

"Oh Rainbow~" Cliff taut. The next thing everyone knew was that Rift buried his nails into Lucas' skin causing some blood to spill and for him to scream in agony.


"Lucas! Let him go!" Sabre cried. He couldn't do anything to help his friend. He hopelessly watches as Lucas going through what he had just hours ago, but this was worse as he felt useless.

Suddenly, a fireball was fire towards Rift, Sabre, and Lucas by Rainbow after he let out a painful scream. Dark and Plague manage to use that as a distraction to get the two humans away from Rift. Rift manage to teleport over to Cliff, grab him and both disappeared into the night.

Rainbow fainted moments after he shot the fire ball luckily Nightmare caught him before he fell onto the ground. Nightmare manage put Rainbow on his back as Plague and Dark walk to him with Lucas and Sabre in each of their arms.

"Nightmare" Plague said concern.

"We are going back it is no longer safe. Dark tell Shadow to get the others and bring them home."

"Done" The original enemies of the humans and the colorful Steve started to walk deeper into the forest.


It was about 10 minutes later when Rainbow woke up. He realized that he was being carried on Nightmare's back and seen that Plague holding an unconscious Lucas with scratches on him and Dark holding an exhausted Sabre with tears stains on his cheeks.

"W-what happened?"

"Old enemies have returned and are now after the reincarnations of your old friends Blue and Green who are now Sabre and Lucas" Nightmare said bluntly.

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