Side Chapter 5

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(Rift and Cliff's base)

He sat in the room after Rift and Cliff talk to him, thinking about their offer then thought about his older brother Light. Out of all of his brothers, Light was the only one who understood him and accepted him. Everyone else could burn in the Nether for all he cared, well except the humans. Yes they destroyed him before, but they don't know about anything and are as innocent as Light.

Earlier he heard Rift talking to Cliff about his dad taking humans to the Nightmare Dimension and if memory serves him correctly, he was never banned from that dimension.

"I decided" He said. Seconds later Rift appeared in front of him.


"I'll do it" Rift smirk, his plan was coming together nicely.


Cliff stood outside of the Steve's temporary room hearing everything his friend and the Steve said. As of late, Cliff has thought about Rift and how he has been acting very differently. Ever since they encounter Sabre and Lucas, Rift has become distant from him and making plans that Cliff had no knowledge about. Not wanting to hear anything more, he went outside of the cave for some fresh air. His friend is way over his head fighting a losing battle. Rift may have the Steve's help for now, but he knows Steves stick to Steves, family stick to family.

Cliff sat on a log just outside of the cave trying to clear his head.

"What's with the long look C?"

Cliff look up to see to see two Steves with reversed colors.

"Pos, Neg, what are you doing here?" Out of all the Steves, Positive and Negative are the only two who are his friends after everything.

"You're emotions are all messed up" Negative said. Him and Positive can practically feel Cliff having an inner battle within himself.

Cliff just hummed as though it wasn't a big deal.

"Cliff, what's wrong?" Positive ask worried about his friend.

"I don't know what to do anymore: Rift won't stop until he has Sabre and Lucas. I don't understand why he wants both of them, we could tell them our reason. But I guess he cares more about revenge than anything or one else. Though my time is almost up anyways so there is little point for me to do anything." Cliff signed.

"I thought you said were fine" Negative ask. Cliff had told them of his illness that killed his whole village, but him and Rift; however, he caught it somehow and was dying.

Cliff shook his head and pulled out a vile with little blue liquid, "I have four days at max, that's if I don't use my powers. I already feel the effects coming back"

Positive and Negative look at each other, though Cliff had done horrible things, he was helping his friend and trying to fight to live.

"You two should stop hanging around me" Cliff said getting up from where he sat.

"And why do you say that?"

"I know quite a bit about Steves and I don't want you two to get attached to me"

Positive grab Cliff's shoulder, "Don't say that, you're not going to die!"

Cliff shook his head and walked back into the cave.

"Cliff you're not alone, you got Positive and I" Negative called out to Cliff.

"Rift has been the only one I depended on for years and without him I will always be alone." Cliff entered the cave leaving Positive and Negative to worry about the human.

Cliff entered his room and sat on his bed where his facade faded. He started to cry at the thought of his best friend leaving him just to get revenge on the Steves. They have known each other since they were just babies and got through everything, but Rift isn't the same.

"He doesn't care about me anymore, but does he care about Lucas? I hope does because he's the is the only one who can turn Rift back to his true self" Cliff sob. Soon enough he cried himself to sleep mumbling one last thing,

"I'll do anything to get you back to who you were Rift"


Rift was walking through his so called home after he finished explaining his plan to the Steve. Tomorrow the Steve will open the gateway for him to the Nightmare Dimension. Though Rift didn't tell Steve his whole plan knowing that the Steve will turn against him soon enough. By then everything will come to light, every Steve will feel his wrath and he'll have his sunshine back.

The human came to a stop in front of a door that lead to his friend's room. Sadness filled his mind as thoughts how both of them are involved in this mess. Before he opened the door, Rift heard His voice.

'Don't tell or take him with you'

'But, we're in the same situation"

'No, he's becoming weak. Remember, his illness is coming back so he'll be useless so get both of  them.'


'Do you wish to suffer again?' 

Rift shook his head, the voice was right, he can't have any meddling in this part of his plan. Thanks to the voice, he knows Cliff has become weak and practically useless at this point. Furthermore, Cliff had befriended Steves a sign of betrayal in Rift's eyes.

Quietly, Rift entered the room to see a sleeping Cliff on his bed.

'Perfect' Rift pick up Cliff and walk to another room near his own room. Gently he laid Cliff down, left the room without a word and lock the door with a key he put in his pocket.

"You are not needed anywhere, I shall retrieve what is ours and make all of them pay for what they have done" Rift left to get ready for his trip tomorrow to the Nightmare Dimension.


Echo sat just out of the cave the humans lived in, "You're making a grave mistake Rift, soon you'll lose the only person who ever cared for you and soon you'll lose the one who's your sunshine"


Next chapter the truth appears.

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