Chapter 13

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After everyone departed their own separate ways, Rainbow waited in the living room for Lucas and Plague to finish talking to each other. He already knows what they are talking about: Lucas being Plague's younger brother. Though it is not because Lucas is Green, but Plague always thought Lucas as a brother; Plague's exact words. Rainbow remembers the day when he first met Green and Plague.


Rainbow and Blue were following a Yellow Steve to her town filled with Steves. Once they enter the town, someone ran into Blue causing both to fall over.

"Blue, are you okay?" Rainbow asked worrying.

"I'm fine" Blue look next to him see a Green Steve about his age (maybe younger) next to him, "Hey are you alright?"

"I-I'm good and s-sorry for r-running into y-you um..." The Green Steve said not knowing the newcomers names.

Rainbow help Blue then the Green Steve off the ground.

"I'm Rainbow and this is Blue"

"Nice to meet you I'm-"

"Green!" The three Steves turn to see a green and blue Steve running to them.

"H-Hi P-Plague" Green smiled sheepishly.

"Why did you run off? We were worried" Plague huffed. He then notice Rainbow and Blue staring at them, "Oh hi, I'm Plague and this is my little brother Green"

Flashback over

Rainbow never learned why Green was running since him and Blue were attacked by Nightmare hours later that day. Until the Rainbow Town, he hasn't seen Plague even with his memories intact. Green didn't really say much about his brother for the most part or that's one of the things he has yet to remember. Rainbow has noticed that bits of his memories have yet to come back and believed that they won't come back at all which was fine if they weren't important.

Rainbow was lost in memory land when he heard footsteps coming towards him before coming to a halt. The colorful Steve looked up to see a very familiar Steve standing nervously in front of him on the opposite side of the coffee table.

"Hi Shadow" Rainbow smiled. Nightmare told him even though Shadow is strong and powerful, he is still a kid much younger than him.

"H-hi" Shadow look down extremely nervous. His dad said Rainbow and the humans are their friends now.

"How are you Shadow?" Rainbow was trying to make small talk to the younger Steve.

"I'm fine" Shadow mumbled loud enough for Rainbow to hear. He shifted nervously on his feet. Rainbow notice this and patted a set next to him. Hesitant, Shadow walk over and sat down.

"You don't have to be nervous, I won't hurt you" Rainbow promised, not that he would ever dream of hurting a child. His words work seeing Shadow relax.

"Where is everyone?" Shadow asked not seeing his dad anywhere.

"Plague and Lucas had to talk, they should be done soon. Dark to Sabre to the library. And Nightmare is-"

"Right here" Both Steves look over to see Nightmare leaning against the wall with his arms crossed with a smile on his face.

"Grandpa!" Shadow ran over to Nightmare who opened his arms for a hug.

"Hello Shadow" Nightmare pick up Shadow and walk over to the couches where a confused Rainbow sat.

"I thought you said Shadow is your son" Nightmare sat down with Shadow beside him.

"No, you said that. Shadow is Dark's son making him my grandson"

"So does that make Silver your grandson as well?"


"Grandpa, who's Silver?" Shadow questioned.

"Silver is your Uncle Light's son"

"I have a cousin?!" Shadow hopped up and look at his grandpa then to Rainbow how nodded, "I'm not the youngest!"

"Youngest for what?" All eyes turned to see Plague and Lucas walking to them.

"I have a cousin named Silver" Shadow said happily.

"You're Silver's cousin? Wait how are you even related?" Lucas ask not understanding.

"Lucas, Nightmare has fours sons, two are Light and Dark. Shadow is Dark's son and technically Silver is Light's son" Rainbow explained. Lucas gave Nightmare a questioned look and received a shake of a head.

"Interesting" Lucas mumbled

"What is?" Plague asked.

"Oh just the fact that Light is related the two darkest Steves I know, no offense"

"None taken" Nightmare shrugged, it was an odd fact to be honest for everyone who don't know his family history.

Lucas then turned to Shadow, "Nice to actually met you Shadow, I'm Lucas"

"It is and I'm sorry for what I've done" Shadow said guilty. He was doing as he dad and grandpa told him to do.

Lucas smiled and ran his hand through Shadow's ashy hair, "No need to apologize, your dad, grandpa and my brother explained about everything already"

Lucas did not know what he said until he was pulled into a hug by Plague.


"You called me brother" Lucas rolled his eyes and pulled away giving Plague a smile.

"Wait, Plague and Lucas are officially brothers?" Shadow ask excited. He knows about the whole thing about Sabre, Lucas, Blue and Green. The brothers nodded in response causing Shadow to jump up and down, "Then soon Sabre will be my mom after him and dad get married! Ops"

Everyone look at Shadow for an explanation, "Um, dad really really likes Sabre and, from what he said, since he was disguised as an Elder Blue. So the they meant"

"My son loves someone" Nightmare whispered. After Blue, Dark never showed any interest in anyone.

"Dark actually loves Sabre" Rainbow whispered to himself

"I regret saying anything" Shadow mumbled

"I knew Dark like Sabre, but he LOVES him, wow, I need to sit down" Plague just did that on the ground below him. No one spoke for the longest time until.

"Dibs on being Sabre's best man" Lucas said.


I don't know why, but that was funny to me. I could not stop smiling when I wrote/type this.             

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