Chapter 16

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As Shadow, Lucas and Sabre were nearing the basement the voices of their friends and family became quieter as they got further away. They were out of ear range before Reverse said anything about Rift so they did not know of another enemy, a dangerous one, was in their home.

Sabre has yet to understand why going to the basement seemed so important to the two, but seeing the expression on his best friend's face told him that it was a must. As for Lucas and Shadow, they understood what Nightmare meant by finishing what they started and Shadow had a hunch it is the only way to calm Reverse from his enraged state. Shadow couldn't help but feel bitter towards one of his missing uncles for ruining a calm and happy day for his family after living apart and sad so long.

"Can someone tell me what is happening?!" Sabre shouted in irritation.

"Sabre, do you remember how to make the machine that got Light to my world?" Lucas ask once the basement door came into view.

"Uh yes? What does that have to do with anything?" Sabre said confused.

"Grandpa thinks that Light is the key to help calm Reverse." Shadow said.

"Grandpa?" Sabre ask not knowing about the family issues or the family in general.

Shadow opens the door to the basement to let the others in before closing it behind them. Lucas let go of Sabre who practically was a bit angry at them for not explaining anything to him and keeping him in the dark.

"Okay, what is exactly happening? Who is Shadow's grandpa? Why is Reverse here? What-"

"Check the machine now, questions later" Shadow said hurried and pushed Sabre to the machine. He felt his dad's anger, but something had to happen now that his anger is flaring up.

Sabre crossed his arms and sent a glare over to Lucas who let out a sign knowing very well that Sabre won't do anything without an explanation.

"We'll explain as you work on the machine. Please Sabre" Lucas pleaded they needed to finish quickly.

Sabre nodded and went on working on the machine. Lucas look over to Shadow to explain.

"Okay Sabre. My grandpa is Nightmare and he has four sons: Dark -my dad-, Light, Reverse and Rainbow. From what my dad and grandpa said, something happened to Reverse causing him to kill Light and got into a fight with Rainbow.

Dad and Reverse were arguing and I guess Reverse snapped; Light saw and try to intervene. The end result was Light dying; my dad going partly insane; Rainbow losing his memories and sent away to one of grandpa's friends; and Reverse being sent away to a different dimension by grandpa. Now I guess he's back for revenge." Shadow explained. He did not know much, he was born a year or two later after the incident and was taken care of by Nightmare as his dad became unstable on certain days.

"But Light is alive" Sabre said confused as he checks the red stone. He should know, he was the one who brought him back in the first place and kept on doing so until he and Lucas decided that sending him to Lucas' world would be a good idea. Then a year and a half later Silver was born, though it could have cost his life, Light loved him dearly.

"Only you, me and Rainbow knew that. Everyone else, but Dark found out when you two were in the library. That is why we were building this machine: to bring Light and Silver into this world."

"I understand Light, but why Silver?" Sabre ask.

"I want to meet my cousin" Shadow pouted, "I want to see him"

Sabre face-palmed, he should have known: Silver is part of their family being Light's son.

"Well all I have to say is that I'm sorry about your family Shadow and good work Lucas, you just needed and antenna" Sabre said as he put down the lever. The machine look fine, but Sabre was a bit worried because they never transferred two people at once before.

Before he could flip the switch, there was a loud crash above them and pieces of the ceiling fell on them.

"They are fighting" Lucas realized, "Sabre do it now!"

Before Sabre could, Shadow saw a chunk of the ceiling above Sabre about to fall on him.

"Mom! Look out!" Shadow ran and push Sabre out of the way of the fallen rock. Sabre was fine, but Shadow wasn't as a medium size rock landed on his ankle making him scream.


"Shadow!" Sabre got up and rushed to Shadow.

Lucas ran to his friend to help, but stop when Sabre yelled.

"Lucas, flip the switch!" Sabre yelled since Lucas was now the closest to the switch. The brunette moved the rock off of Shadow and then cover him so he wouldn't get hit by the small pieces of rock. Shadow whimpered curling himself into a ball, the pain was almost unbearable. Sabre held onto Shadow and used one of his hands to heal Shadow as much as possible.

Lucas put his hand on the lever and then flipped it, "Here we go!"

There was a blast of light that knock everyone backwards, a purple light surrounded them, then there was darkness.

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