Side Chapter 4

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Two pairs of eyes watched as the Nightmare King, the Dark Prince, the pacifist Steve and the savior of Steves walk deeper into the forest as Dark and Plague each carry one of the humans. The two watch above in a tree not to far were they encountered the others.

"Those blasted Steves" Rift growled, "If it weren't for them we would have what is rightfully ours"

Cliff said nothing, he looked down to his hands to see that he had some blood under his finger tips; it must have been when he made Sabre scream to get Rainbow remember who he is. He felt bad for hurting the younger one, but it was for a reasonable cause; well he thinks it was. Cliff look up at his friend who had his hands clench from anger.

"Don't worry Rift, we'll get another chance to get them" Cliff tried to reassure him.

"I know, but we don't have much time left" Rift responded. He pulled out a vile with about a quarter of green liquid in it, "We only have a few days until we use these up and we'll go back to the way we were: sick and depressed. We'll be too weak to do anything! That was the deal remember!"

Cliff nodded understanding Rift's haste to get the other humans. He took out a similar vile like Rift's, the only difference is that there is less in it and the color is blue, "Do you think it will be any difference since they are humans now?"

"No, not from what I seen; however, it appears they gained their past selves' abilities"

"Why don't we tell them why we are doing this? I mean-" The next thing Cliff felt was his back hitting wood making him gasp for air.

"You forgot haven't you?" Rift somewhat growled, "Well let me refresh your memory"

He pulled Cliff by the collar of his shirt close to his face, close enough to feel is breath,

"We want to take them, the Steves took them first and we are only trying to get them back. They are the reason everything happened, they are the reason we made that deal. It all could have been avoided if they told us what they were doing instead now they must pay the price. Remember Cliff, this isn't the first time you lost him, you failed him all those years ago. Didn't you say you don't want to make the same mistake again?"

A ring of red surrounded the pupils of Rift's eyes and started to spread into the dark green.

Cliff thought about Rift's words and shook his head, it's the Steves fault for all of this, not theirs.

Rift let go of Cliff's shirt and patted his head, "Do you understand why we need to do what we're doing?"

"I do" Cliff said, just like Rift, a ring of red spread into his blue eye.

"Good, now let's go visit our 'friend'" Rift chuckled, he held out his hand for Cliff who took it without hesitation; Rift thought of a place and off they went.


She watched them as they teleport away and let out a sign. They caused so much heartache: first with Nightmare when they killed his Light, then with Rainbow when they killed his past best friends, Dark losing Light then Blue and Plague losing Green. The blood of many Steves were on their hands and many more if they do not stop soon. Though there is more to this story then what everyone thinks; someone is pulling the strings but who is the question. The puppeteer wants all of this: they want the destruction, the chaos, the mayhem, the sadness.

A tear fell down her face, she found it odd since the last time she ever cried was when her brother died the first time; what she didn't know her brother could respawn so quickly or that he was a full Ender. Being the Ender dragon had its perks .

Deciding that nothing will get done by standing there, she disappeared into the night.


The two males were teleport in a cave that has already been torched.

"Ahh, home sweet home" Rift chuckled. He and Cliff went over to a door that led into a dimly lit room; in the center was a figure on their knees badly injured.

"How is our guest doing?" Cliff smirk. The person said nothing; they didn't even glance at the two males.

"Well since your not in the mood to talk, we won't tell you about your brothers" They were about to walk out when:

"Wait", the person said with little breath, "M-my brothers? How did you-"

"We know about you and your family" Rift smirked, this was the reaction he wanted.

"You four were once two entities a long long time ago, but now are separated. You had three other brothers: one is close from becoming mad" Cliff started.

"One lost all of his memories" Rift added.

"And the last one is dead" Cliff ended.

"B-but he didn't die willingly" He knew his brother, he would not give up.

"But he did when he realized that his death made you happy" That was another thing: his brother would put them all first. The Steve bowed his head in shame, "What do you want?"

"Help us get what belongs to us and you get to see your only sane brother left"

"Who is the one sane?" Both men look at each other with an evil look.

No one can save me: he will forever hate me and he will never forgive me for what I have done. Only he understood, only he will see what had come upon me that day. Without him nothing matters, he was the only one that showed us that happiness that we never seen until he showed us. It's my fault for all of this: my fault my brother is close to mad, my fault that my brother forgotten everything about his past, my fault that he's dead, it's my fault that these two are hurting so many Steves.


Any guesses?

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