Chapter 15

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"Hello father"


The Steve glared at Nightmare then walk towards his 'family' and 'friend'. His cold blue eyes look over each person.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" The Steve stopped midway observing each of the Steves and human reactions.


"A failure of a dad"


"A pathetic Steve"


"An idiotic kid"


"And a human who was brought into this"

"Reverse please"

"Shut up!" Reverse interrupted Nightmare, "You no longer have say or authority over me! You lost that ability when Light died"

Nightmare's eyes were filled with guilt; he failed to protect his sons. He could have prevented this whole mess if he had just listen and act as a father who loved all of his sons equally instead of focusing on just two.

Plague felt as though it was partly his fault, he did not do anything to help even when he felt he had to.

Shadow was troubled for the most part. This was one of his two uncles that he never meant and from what his dad said, Reverse was not liked by any and was the cause of Light's death. Shadow look over to Lucas who seemed in a panic and tried to calm him, but Lucas was lost in fear.

Lucas felt as though he couldn't breath, Reverse: the Steve who cause him and Sabre the most trouble was alive. How can a Steve that was separated be alive all this time?

Rainbow did not understand why, but he was filled with anger for Reverse. Yes he had done bad things to him, Sabre and Lucas, but Rainbow felt as though Reverse had done even worse.

Before anyone could even utter a word, Rainbow yelled out in rage.

"How are you alive?! Sabre, Lucas and I destroyed you years ago!"

The Steve smirk, "Oh little Rainbow, you know nothing, well you don't remember anyways"

"I remember everything" Rainbow growled. It was true, all of his memories had returned as did his powers.

"Of your friends yes, but what about family?" The Steve snickered.

Rainbow was taken aback, not knowing what to say, "What are you talking about? I don't have a family"

"That's where my, or our, father did not tell you the truth" Reverse looked over to Nightmare, "Isn't that right dad?"

"Father!" All eyes turn to a hallway where Dark and Sabre appeared. Dark glared at the Steve while Sabre look at him in shook.

"Ah, finally, my so called older brother and the other human arrived" The Steve chuckled.

Dark growled and pushed Sabre behind him.

"You were banished when you killed my brother!" Dark yelled.

"He was my brother too!" The Steve screamed, "He was more of my brother than any of yours. He listens to me and kept me company while the rest of you were off doing whatever!"

Sabre look at Dark, "Dark, you two are brothers?"

"Oh, did my father or older brother not tell you of our family history? Well let me tell you a story.

There were once two powerful entities that were completely opposites, but got along just fine. One day they found a wandering Steve who they took him in as a brother. The three were happy until an accident happened causing the two entities to separated into four other Steves. They remember nothing of who they were so the Steve they took in became a father to them instead of a brother. Who are these four Steves you ask, well they are Dark, Light, Rainbow and I!

You see Rainbow, you lost your memories twice that's why you don't remember our family"

Rainbow look over to Night- I mean his dad who was more focus on the ground below him.


"It's true" Nightmare said, "Dark is my eldest then Light, Reverse and finally you Rainbow" This was not how he wanted to tell his youngest, he just wanted Rainbow to get use to getting his memories of his friends back.

Reverse's laugh echoed throughout the house, "Looks like the ocelot is out of the bag"

Lucas look over to Sabre who didn't even know that Dark was Nightmare's son so all of this was new to him. Now that Lucas thinks about it, Sabre was the only one in the dark even Rainbow knew more about this than he did. While no one was looking, Lucas slip away over to Sabre and Dark.

"What do you even want Reverse?!" Plague wanted Reverse to leave to the point he would abandon his pacifist path.

"I want nothing but my revenge" Reverse sneered. He then look between the two humans, "This has no concern to you two, so you have the option to go."

Though the two destroyed him, they did what they thought was right. No one told them anything, not even those close to them.

Dark walk over to his dad, son and friend after telling Sabre and Lucas to stay put.

"Shadow, get Lucas and Sabre somewhere safe" Dark said summoning a stone sword.

Shadow look at his dad's eyes widen, "B-but Dad"

"Listen to your dad kid" Plague advise bringing out a smile ball.


"Shadow get them to the basement, finish what we started" Nightmare hinted summoning a gold (budder) sword.

Shadow nodded and ran over to Sabre and Lucas who wanted to help. Shadow put his hand on Lucas' shoulder and it just took a look for Lucas to understand.

"Protect them Shadow" Rainbow summoned his lighting summoner.

"Let's go Sabre" Lucas grabbed Sabre's hand before he went out to help their friend and ran after Shadow who was a little ahead of them to the basement.

"Wait Lucas! We have to help them!" Sabre begged.

"We are. While you and Dark in the library we were doing something that we have to finish." Lucas said.

Sabre didn't say anything, but both humans thought the same thing, 'Be safe Rainbow'

Reverse chuckle looking at his old family and friend, "Four against one doesn't seem so far, is it not Rift"

"No, no it is not"


Order of the brothers:





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