Chapter 12

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With Dark and Sabre

Once Dark showed Sabre where the library was, Sabre was off running to find any book that catches his eye, which was every other one. Meanwhile, Dark watch as Sabre run like a Yellow Steve around a quarter of the library.

To him, Sabre was just like Blue in every other way: helpful, encouraging, resourceful, everything. Though Blue's words did tell him he approved of his feelings for the human. Blue was more of a motherly/guide than a love; Dark did love Blue dearly, not romantically though. Dark found he preferred him and Blue being friends then anything else.

"Um Dark?" Dark look over to Sabre to see him sitting in a chair with a pile of books on a table next to him.

"Yes Sabre?" Dark walk over to Sabre who look at him in concern.

"You were staring off in space for a while, I was getting worried" Sabre smirked.

"I was...just thinking that's all" Dark rub the back of his neck.

Sabre look down the book in front of him with a sad expression, "Thinking about Blue?"

Dark stared at the human who gave him no time to answer.

"I know you were close to Blue as Plague was close to Green. Is that the reason you saved us? You saved us because we are the reincarnations of those you held dearly all those years ago." Sabre said keeping his voice steady.

"Sabre, you have things wrong" Dark put a hand on Sabre's shoulder, but he shook it off.

"No I don't" Sabre look up at Dark, his eyes were dulled, "Every time you hear his name, you act differently"

Dark did not say anything, it was true. Blue was special to him and it pains him to hear his name some days.

"Knew it. Last night, Lucas found a picture of Green and Plague when they were younger, Green had the same exact scar as Lucas on the same hand. So Lucas found that Plague was his past self's older brother, after spending all these years alone, he finds that he has a brother. That was Plague's reason for saving us. As for you, I know you loved Blue and cared for him very much"

"How do you?" Dark ask not understanding how Sabre got all that within hours of being around each other.

"I'm more observant than I let on" Sabre said plainly.

Dark let out a sign, "Sabre, if I explain, will you listen"

Sabre faced Dark, "Go"

"Yes I did love and care for Blue more than anything, I mean he did help me after my brother was murdered"

"You had a brother who was murdered?" Sabre asked feeling a bit guilty.

"Yes, I had three: one is dead, another is in a different dimension and the last one lost any and every memory of our family"

"I'm sorry Dark"

"It's fine, well now it is. Do you know what happens to a Steve when they die and the ones close to them?"

"Yes, I read about it before"

"Well I'm on my last strike and I know who holds an important place in my heart"

"Who?" Dark look deeply into Sabre's youthful eyes.

"You, yes you are the reincarnation to Blue yet that is not the reason. There is not another word for it, but Blue and Green combine their spirits in you and Lucas. Plague and I thought they were gone for good because they died willingly to save Rainbow; however, they manage to live and attach themselves to you two. Nightmare told us to look after two children in a village, he told us the reason for only that someone he trusts told him two children hold what has been lost."

"Those children were Lucas and I." Sabre realized.

"Yes, I tried not to get attached to you, but after watching you for a bit I had grow fond of you. When Nightmare found out we were getting attached to you, he told us the truth"

"So you two did care for us because we are Sabre and Lucas not Blue and Green"


"So how do you feel about me?"

Dark nearly chock at Sabre's words, he had no answer to his question, well not one he wanted to tell him right now, "I um"

Sabre laughed at Dark's expression, "You don't have to tell me, besides pay back for this morning"

"You're a funny person" Dark rolled his eyes while Sabre stick out his tongue like a child.

Once they calmed down, Dark help Sabre organize the books on the desk. At one point they reached for the same book and their hands touch; Dark's hand over Sabre's. Sabre flushed with red and tried to move his hand, but Dark held it there. The human looked up at him in confusion only to see the Steve staring intently at their hands. Dark move his hand so his fingers were intertwined with Sabre's blush furiously.


"Sabre, I-"

"SOMEBODY HELP!" They heard someone scream and in an instance they ran out of the library towards the screams of their friends and family also to the explosions.


Let the reveal begin

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