Chapter 20

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Make sure to read the end


Before 'Rift's' sword touch Silver, a powerful voice boomed throughout the room.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on my son!"

Another sword blocked the shadow one and sent it flying. The owner stood in front of Silver with an expression daring anyone to touch his son.

'Rift's' eyes widen seeing the newcomer, "Y-You, I-it can't be"

"It is, now you're going to pay for hurting my husband and almost killing my son" The newcomer growled and sent 'Rift' flying backwards into a wall knocking him out and away from his son.

"Daddy!" Silver squealed and hugged his dad.

"Hey Sil." The person picked up Silver and held him on his hip, "Where's pa?" The newcomer looks around for Light while holding his son closely.

Thankfully he didn't have to look long as Lucas called out to him and pointed to where Light who was being healed by Sabre.

"Light" The newcomer walk over to the light Steve after he thanked Lucas than Sabre who went to help Shadow.

"Y-You came" Light smiled with tired eyes, "You came Vi." Even after Sabre healed him, his powers took most of his energy leaving drained for a bit.

"Of course, I did." Vi smiled and offered a hand to Light who took it. With one arm holding his son and the other wrapped around his husband, Vi had everything he needed in the world.

Light smiled and looked at everyone around him.

(Everyone has their separate part now)


"Are you okay son?" Dark ask helping his son up off of the ground.

"I'm fine dad, Sabre's powers helped me a lot" Shadow smiled.

Dark look over to Sabre and smiled, "Thank you for everything Sabre"

"Any time" Sabre then turned to Shadow, "but I do have a question for you Shadow"

"What is it Sabre?"

"Why did you call me mom in the basement?"

Both Dark and Shadow blushed in embarrassment and look at each other.

"Um... Because you act like one? And it just slipped?" Shadow chuckled nervously.

Sabre didn't notice the younger Steve's nervousness and just smiled, "Okay then"

"That's all?" Dark asked. He expected more from the human than that.

"Yeah, I mean Lucas sometimes calls me mom, I am kind of a mom to Silver, and people had said that I do have motherly instincts or something" Sabre explained with a shrug of the shoulders.

"You do make a good mom, right dad" Shadow said sending a smirk over to his dad as though saying 'ask him already'

"Right Shadow" Dark said sending Shadow a look 'be quiet or else you're grounded'

"Come on I want to see Light" Sabre went to take a step forward when his legs buckled beneath him. Before he could hit the ground, Dark caught him and pulled him into his chest.

"Are you okay Sabre?" Dark asked worried.

"I-I guess healing Cliff, Light, and Shadow drained me more than I thought it would" Sabre said as he leaned on Dark who helped him stand, "Thank you Dark"

"Anytime Sabre"

Sabre used Dark as a crutch as they and Shadow went over to Light and his family.

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