Side Chapter 3

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Once the light faded, Plague had to blink the dots out of his vision; that purple light really blinded him when he and Lucas were teleport. After getting his vision back to the way it was, Plague looks around the area to see that he was in a cave on a bed and noticed that Lucas was on the bed next to him unconscious. Plague let out a sign of relief that Lucas was fine and that he was here instead in Rift's grasp. Rift was so close in taking Lucas away, if Plague hadn't acted as soon as he did then Rift would have teleport away with the blonde.

The Steve's eyes landed on Lucas hands were exposed for the first time since Plague has known him. On one of Lucas' hand was a large scar that went almost around his hand. Plague knows where that scar came from and how Lucas got it; furthermore, it reminded him of his failure in the past. Since that day, the memories continually haunt him for years.

"Lucas?" Plague asked seeing if the human would wake up. When the blonde didn't respond, Plague was about to get up when a girl in purple and black walk into the room carrying a bowl of, from what Plague could smell, mushroom stew.

"Oh, you're up" The girl said plainly. She walks over to Plague and offer Plague the stew who hesitantly took it.

The girl then walks out of the room while talking loud enough for Plague to hear, "Your friend is just sleeping as of now. The stress put on him after seeing Rift plus teleportation took a lot out of him. Luckily, we did not travel across dimensions or else he would be in worse condition. And don't worry I did not put anything in that; if I wanted you dead then would be right now"

Plague could not tell if she was joking or not, her purple eyes should no emotion when he saw them nor does her voice tell him if she was hiding anything. He took his chances and ate the stew; it was very good. Meanwhile, the girl came back with some medical supplies and went over to Lucas checking him for any injuries. Plague eyed her carefully, she might have saved them, but that could mean anything. Plague was good at reading human and Steves; Sabre is hard to read, and some days Lucas is easy others he is not. As for this girl, she was different; she seemed drained of any emotions and the only thing not black or purple on was the emerald crystal at the end of her necklace, but it was dull as her eyes.

Once he was done eating, he decided to question the girl.

"Who are you exactly?"

"I am a stranger to you, an ally to Nightmare, a forgotten friend of Sabre and Lucas" Again there was nothing in her voice, "Before you ask, I knew those two when we were kids and I met Nightmare long before you were born"

"Why are you helping us?" The girl looks at Plague in the eye, but this time there was a bit of emotion in them. That emotion spread through her eyes, the emotion of sadness.

"There are others who are in the same situation as them, me included. Some wish to use us as some sort of trophy, others for their own gain." The girl said with sadness.

The girl walks to the door, "You should get going, Nightmare is near, Rainbow and Sabre should be joining"

With that she walks out of the cave.

"Wait! What is your name?" The girl paused, as though she was tempted to tell.

"My name has been forgotten, but I'll tell you. My name is Echo and I'm the forgotten heir of the End." A purple light blinded Plague once more and Echo was no longer seen. Plague stared where Echo just stood before he got up and gently pick up Lucas then started out of the cave.

"Thank you Echo" It was faint, but Plague could have sworn he could hear the words 'Your welcome' in the wind. The Steve smiled, then he went on his way to find the others.


Echo came out around the tree with a small smile on her lips, watching the Steve carrying the human away, the emerald crystal shined brightly, bringing back the light back to her purple eyes.

"Protect those who were never protected. Save those who are close to breaking. Show us that we can believe in humanity once more before it's too late."

She closed her eyes and then opened them, her emotionless eyes now sparkle with emotion, "Thank you"


A/N: Don't forget about Echo.

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