Chapter 17

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Reverse chuckle looking at his old family and friend, "Four against one doesn't seem so far, is it not Rift"

"No, no it is not"


Plague growled at the sight of Rift, the one who took his younger brother's life and is now after his new brother, "You're going to pay for killing my brother Rift and for hurting Lucas and Sabre."

Rift smirk and made a gesture for Plague to come and fight him, which Plague almost did if Rainbow had not stopped him from doing so. As much as Rainbow wanted to make Rift suffer for killing his friend who was like a younger brother to him in the past and hunting his friends now, they have to think about their next move. Now that Rainbow remembers everything - with the exception of his family's history - he knows that Rift always has something up his sleeve, even when it appears he doesn't. That is the first thing he learned when he first met him years ago.

Nightmare's attention was on Reverse as the memories and guilt filled his mind. He never expected to ever fight one of his sons in his life, but here he stands doing the one thing he never thought of doing. Reverse, his second youngest son, has been done wrong all those years ago and now Nightmare can not do anything to reason with him. He can only hope Sabre and Lucas finish the machine and hopefully then Light will come. Light is the only one who can ever clam Reverse no matter what, it's been like that for years and he hopes that it is still in effect.

As for Dark, he was looking for Cliff who, for the first time, was not by Rift's side, this concerned him very much. If Cliff was not there then was he waiting to ambush them when they were a distraction.

"Hey, where is Cliff?" Dark asked getting everyone's attention. Everyone, including Reverse but not Nightmare, looked around for the other human. Reverse was looking around because he didn't know that Rift locked him in a room and thought that Cliff was coming soon.

Rift frowned and his eyes hardened, "He won't be joining us for this fight"

Something about Rift's words sounded off to Dark, but he did not dwell on it long when the two pulled out their weapons: a golden axe for Rift and a lighting summoner for Reverse.

The battle has begun.

Plague and Nightmare vs Rift

Rainbow vs Reverse


As much as he wanted to help his youngest son, Nightmare couldn't bring himself to hurt one of his sons, no matter what they have done. And for some reason, he felt Reverse has not done anything wrong.

Dark was about to help his younger brother when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to find a girl with light purple eyes filled with worry.

"Please come with me" Echo said.

"Who are you?"

Echo look up at the Steves flying in the air then back to Dark, "I'll explain later, now is not the time. You have to come with me if you want this to end"

"Dark!" Echo and Dark look up to Nightmare who block Rift's attack, "Trust her, trust Echo! She's the reason we are here!"

"Dark, time is running short" Echo held out her hand which Dark took and teleport away just before an axe landed where they were.

"That blasted meddling girl!" Rift growled. Echo had involved herself in his plans one to many times. Rift turned around to block Nightmare's attack.

"Once I finish you, that Ender is next!"

"Don't you DARE lay a hand on her" Nightmare growled. Echo did so much for his family and he's not going to let him touch the one person who saved them.

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