One week left

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(Yena's Pov)

Here i am again facing my lovely desk i was smiling to see that all of my paperworks are done. I rested my back at chair and close my eyes.

'Only one week left' I smile to myself and open my eyes to see my future wife opening the door.

"Are you done with your work?"Her fiance smile. That's smile, that's smile that make me fall in love.

"Yes, already done" I sweetly smile to her and stood up to my chair and walks toward her, she hugged me and all of my tiredness has gone.

"So why are you so lovey dovey today?" chaewon asks, i smile to her.

"Why? Can't I? In fact I miss you already" I tighten the hug, she just chuckles and hug me back.

"Do you have any schedule for today?" I asks her, and she put her hands to her chin and pretend to think, I give her a confuse look.

"Yes i have, I have to go to the dress shop to see my gown." She said, i look her onto the eyes.

"Can I come with you?" i pouted, she immediately peck on my pouted lips.

"Ofcourse you can, I always wanted you to accompany me but i know you're a busy person" chaewon said, i felt a slight guilt, I lower my head.

"I'm sorry chaewon ah~ I'll make it up to you, after we get married i'll take 1week leave for us to spend time" She puts her hand on my chin and raised it, then she smile.

"Nah, it's okay I understand you, You are the heir of this company so you must do what it takes because you're the next CEO" She never failed to understand and cheer me up. I really love this girl.

"Sorry for interupt, Ms. choi you have a meeting later at 6pm and—"I interrupt my secretary said.

"Cancel the meeting, and my other appointment for today. I'm going to accompany my future wife." chaewon look onto me with a disagree face while my secretary just nodded and walk out the room.

"Don't give me that face, Nothing will change, I will still accompany you" I smile to her and steal a peck on her lips and i hold her hand, we intertwined our fingers then we start walking to the parking lot.

My fiance and I arrive at the dress shop, I park my mercedez benz and im the one who first came out and i open my fiance door.

"Thankyou" I smile to her and i offer my hand and she accept it.

We enter the dress shop, I was new to this kind of place. You know I only know my house and our company, Everyone greeted us.

"Goodafternoon Ms. Choi and Ms. Kim" The girl bowed.

"Goodafternoon." We both said.

"This way maam" The girl guided us towards to the vip room for us to pick the dress.

Chaewon and I walk towards the room and assisted by the saleslady.

"Ms. Kim this is your gown"

 Kim this is your gown"

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