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(Yuri's POV)

The sunlight from the outside hits my face, i slightly move not wanting to open my eyes. I switch position back facing the sunlight, I was about to sleep again when i heard my phone ringing. I groan as my sleep getting disturb.

I reach my phone on my small table near my bed and answer the call.

"Who's this?" i didn't bother to open my eyes.

"It's sakura you dumb hamster, you're already 30 minutes late.. Get your ass now here and the heir of our investor is here and she looks really pissed. Be here in 10minutes or we will lose this investor." I immediately stood up and straight to the shower room.

'Dang it, I forgot that i have a meeting todaaaay shoot!' i cursed myself

I finished showering and do my makeup inside the car, I was rushing to our company.

Now i'm infront of our building, I saw sakura walking back and fourth i guess she's waiting for me.

"Saku-unnie, is the investor still there?" I said she didn't answer instead she pulls me to do meeting room.

As we enter the room i saw the heiresses of our investor. one of them look really pissed.

"It's been 30minutes since I wait here. It's fucking 30minutes late!" I heard the one curse in front of our another investor, the other investor is calming her down.

"Excuse me Ms. Choi." The heiresses look at our direction when sakura unnie calls her.

"Finally. You just wasted my 30 minutes here waiting." The other heir said.

"Calm down bro." The one with choi in the name said.

"S-sorry, I'm the one who's fault in it." I said she looks scary.

"Just fucking start so we can finish. I have a lot of things to do." As soon as the other heir said that we immediately set up.

"Goodmorning I'm Jo yuri" I introduce myself.

"Proceed to the presentation" The one with the short hair said while her eyes is in the paper.

'So arrogant' i thought.

I proceed to the presentation, Ms. An is the one who is questioning me about the product while ms. choi is just silently listening.

After 30 minutes our meeting is done, Ms. An immediately leave the room while ms. choi is arrangging the papers.

"Ms. Choi I'll be the one who will arrange that." Sakura said, but the latter refuse and shake her heads.

"Nah, It's fine. Sorry about my friend attitude earlier. She doesn't like waiting so long." I lower my head as soon as she said that, Sakura walks out the meeting room because she's being called.

"I'm sorry about being late, I totally forgot that i have meeting today im so sorry." I said in an apologetic way. She looks at me and smile.

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