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"Y-yena..." that one call make yena heart flutter, now that she remember everything she missed chaewon's voice.

Yena runs towards chaewon and hug her tightly it makes chaewon startled as well as their friends. All of them was just watching how yena hugging chaewon tightly.

"Chaewon-nie..." Yena's voice crack as she call the younger girl, chaewon hugs yena back as she also missed the warmth of yena.

Chaewon was crying as yena didn't broke the hug then yena suddenly spoke up. "wonnie.. I already remember everything." everyone gasps as they heard yena saying she remember.

"y-yena.." chaewon was now crying so loud, they all feel their eyes are getting watery. They are happy that the fact that yena finally remembers chaewon.

They all gathered in the living room yena was holding chaewon's hand while they are seating, They started interrogating yena with a questions.

"When did you remember everything?" Yujin asks.

"Last night, when I was getting drunk my head hurts then a scenario was like playing in my head, remember when i was in the bathroom it gives me headache." yena answers yujin question.

"How did you know chaewon that were here? and since when you arrive?" Eunbi asks chaewon.

"from me" minjoo suddenly spoke up.

"Yes minjoo-unnie said it to me that you guys are here, and i arrive last night but i decided to come today in the morning." chaewon smile as she can't believe that yena's remembering her now.

"Weeee shouuuullllddddd ce--"the door bell rings.

"Oh it must be yuri" sakura said as she stood up and open the door revealing yuri's figure. They walk their way to the living room.

"Yuuuriiii!!" chaewon squeal as the older girl hugs yuri.

Yuri let a soft smile as she hugs back the older girl, Yuri and yena's eyes met but yuri immediately looked away.

"When did you arrive?" yuri asks as they broke the hug, chaewon smile as she answer yuri's question.

"Yuri unnie, yenaa finally remember chaewon unnie~" nako said, then yuri look at chaewon and yena with a smile but you know its a fake smile.

"I'm happy for the both of you" yuri smiled she tried so hard not to crack her voice while saying that.

"LETS CELEBRATE AGAIN" Yujin screams and earned a smack on the head by chaeyeon.

"You're so loud dog" everyone laugh except for yuri and yena.

Yena was looking at yuri with a worried looked as she remember what happen last night, she was still bothered about last night. She was so confuse why her heart was fluttering to see chaewon's face again and why her heart hurt to see yuri with a sad face.

"okay let's split up one team should buy beverages and the other team will stay here in the house to prepared the food." everyone agree and they split up.

"Yujin,yena,eunbi,hyewon and yuri." Chaeyeon said, they all agree leave but chaewon pouted as she was not into yena's group.

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