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"whats wrong yuri?"

"Can you come over to my house.." yuri sobs.

"what happen? wait me there.."

After that yuri hang up the phone, she still crying from what her and her father argue about. She hug her knee as she was lying on the sofa in her living room. 30 minutes passed she heard a knock on her door and she stood up then walk to the door.

"yuri what happen?"

"U-nnie..." yuri hug the other girl.

"what's wrong? Did yena hurt you? tell me."

"N-no.." yuri broke the hug then they sit on the living room.

"Then my father find out about me and her.." the other girl raise her eyebrow because she was clue less.

"Me and yena is in a relationship.." the other girl nodded.

"And your father wants you to break up with yena?" yuri nodded while sobbing.

"what are you going to do?"

"N-no, I can't break up with her unnie." yuri said, then the older girl hug her.

"Then tell this to yena."yuri nodded.

"Aigoo, our yuri is really inlove huh." the older girl tease her.

"u-nn-ie..." yuri blush.

"Don't be a cry baby okay? I know you can fix this with yena"

"Thankyou for coming over hyewon unnie~" hyewon smile as she hug yuri.

"You're always welcome yuri ah~ Just call me and i'll be there" hyewon smile lovingly to yuri.

[At Yena's office]

"Finally done." Yena said after she finish her last work for today, she look at her watch to see it's only 3pm. She smile as she think about meeting yuri because she finish her work early.

"Secretaryyyy shiiiin!! Do I have any appointment today?" yena said.

"All of your appointment today is done, except one" yena look at her secretary.

"What is it?"

"Sleep over in my Joyul's apartment" yena chuckles.

"I thought it was some sort of meeting with other company" yena said while she place her hand on her heart and over react.

"Okay, i'll be leaving now. Bye secretary shin." yena bid a goodbye to her secretary and she leave her office, while she was about to open her car door someone call her.

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