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Months had passed yena had been discharge from the hospital and currently recover at her house. The older girl still doesn't remember about what happen before she got into the hospital. Yena's recovery gives relief to her friends especially to chaewon.

Chaewon was always at yena's side even though the other girl doesn't remember her. The younger girl didn't push herself to yena she just let yena's brain to remember, but she can't hide the feeling that she's hurt and she's in pain.

Kim chaewon was on yena's house to take care of her, yena insist that she doesn't need a help but chaewon being a stubborn she persist. It's her fault after all.

"You don't have to do this. I'm fine." Yena's word make a pang on chaewon's heart.

"No, I need to take care of you." the younger girl sternly said, which the oldergirl sigh.

"Why do you need to take care of me? I'm not a kid you know plus I already recover." Yena whined.

"Just don't question okay?" Yena pouts.

"Fine. May i ask something?" chaewon made an eye contact towards the other girl.


"I'm still bothered about what happen to me. It's giving me nightmare." chaewon looks confuse.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm having a dream that this one girl i can't see her face is like ditching me and i drive a car so fast, then some other car collide with my car then it went black and i will wake up with so much sweat." chaewon had her teary eye.

'It's my fault.'  chaewon thought.

"Why are you crying? did i say something wrong?" Yena panic and she immediately hug chaewon, she didn't know why she hug chaewon but the inner her saying you should hug her.

"Y-ye-na.. I'm s-orr-y.." the latter utter.

"I-ts all my fa-ullt.."

"I shouldn't l-et that happen"

Yena is so confuse why chaewon said that but instead of questioning, she just embrace the other girl.

"Shhh. I'm sorry if i make you emotional. Please don't cry." Yena said as she stroke the other girls hair, She sudden feel a pain in her heart when she hear the other girl sobs.

'Why I am being like this?'

"and I'm sorry if I don't remember you..." Yena's voice became soft as she said that.

"Don't push yourself to remember me, You'll hate me if you remember." chaewon broke the hug and stood up. The other girl gave her a confuse look.

"I'll go downstair. Just call me when you need anything." after that chaewon leave yena's room.

Yena is left clueless, she held her head and throw herself on her bed.

"Urrrrgghh.. Why i can't remember anything about her? Why is she giving me this kind of feeling." With a final groan, yena pulls the blanket t cover her body and she drove to sleep.

(Chaewon's POV)

It's been 3months since yena has been discharge, i took a take care of her since the day she discharge. i thought that this may help her to remember everything about me, but I guess it's not.

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