Wedding Day

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(Yena's POV)

It's a beautiful weather outside, birds singing and trees dancing. Church bell ringing, roses scatter at the floor, Here I am standing at the end of the aisle waiting.

A smile that never leave my lips, My heart is beating so hard that could explode anytime soon. I don't want to end this feeling that I feel.

I saw her when the door of the church opens, she's wearing her long white gown with a rose flower on her hand. I've waited for this to happen, and now it's finally happening the girl I've been in love since then is finally walking towards me.

I didn't realize that my eyes are getting teary, This is the first time i feel this tears of joy. I can't take my eyes of the girl walking towards me, And then she stop in front of me.

"Please Take care of my precious daughter" i heard her father said.

Our eyes met, we shared the same smile the same feeling. I offer my hand onto her and she grabs it, Today finally came.

Our Wedding Day.

"Yena" I heard someone call my name.

"Yah Choi Yena" I immediately open my eyes.

"Ughh! What the hell do you want?" I groan.

"Hello! It's your fucking day! why? are you running away from your future wife?" My puppy friend said, I came to my sense. I thought my wedding is already done, but it was just a dream.

"Ow. hehe sorry" I scratch my head and stood up.

"Let's get ready. I know youre excited" Yujin said and we start getting ready. It's finally my wedding.

'I can't wait to make you my wife chaewon ah' I thought to myself and smile.

My father walks into our dressing room.

"Feeling nervous?" I jump out from my sit when my father spoke up.

"Appa!" I run to hug him then he hugs me back.

"How about me wheres my hug?" Then my brother spoke up, I also run to him and give him a hug.

"Waah, My daughter is finally getting married" my father exclaim.

"Yea dad, Im excited but at the sametime i feeling nervous. What if chaewon change her mind? What if she realize she don't love me? what if she doesn't want to marry me? what if—" My brother put his finger on my lips and shook his head.

"Don't be sooooo dramatic and overthinking. Chaewon's loves you okay? So don't worry, you'll see your wife later." Sungmin said and they hug me.

"See you later duck! Congratulation!" My brother said, I chuckles.

"It's normal to get nervous yena ah, See you later child." my father said and they walk out of our dressingroom.

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