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After yena and chaewon's break up, yena just focused on her work, atleast she can forget the pain from yuri's marrige thingy and her break up with chaewon.

"Ms. Choi you father wants you to be in his office right now." yena sighed as she heard her secretary, she just nodded.

"She must be heard about our break up" Yena deeply sighed.

She proceed onto her father office.

"Why do you want to see me dad?" Yena said as she sit at the sofa.

"We'll be meeting my friend cheolsu, yuri's father"

"but why?" yena said lazily. She was worried because she will see yuri and her fiance.

'Wait, are they with that eunwoo guy?' yena thought.

"He just invited me because her daughter is getting married so maybe he wants to celebrate." her father said.

"Is yuri's fiance included?" yena asks while praying that eunwoo wasn't there.

"Hm. I actually don't know. So grab your coat and we will be leaving now." Yena groans as she stood up.

"I'll be waiting in the front of the building." Yena said then she leave her father's office.

Yena grabs her coat in her office and she waited in the front of their building, her father arrive from the parking lot to pick her up.

While they are in their way, Yena can't help but to think about how should she approach yuri if her fiance was there, or how she avoid yuri.

They reached the restaurant near han river. Yena was nervous on how she will react when she see yuri.

Yena and her father enter the restaurant and yuri's father waving at them.

'Why is mr. jo alone? where's yuri and her fiance?' yena wondered.

Her father greeted yuri's father while yena bow and they sit across yuri's father.

"Hey are we late?" yena's father asks, yuri's father let out a soft chuckles.

"No, the two of you are just on time" yuri's father notice that yena is like looking for someone.

"You must be wondering where's yuri?" Yena was taken aback and look at yuri's father with an awkward smile.

"She's in the bathroom" yena nodded.

"Oh there she is." yena turn around she smile as she see yuri but eventually fade away when she saw eunwoo on the back.

"I'm sorry, I'm late" eunwoo bowed and they sat across yena.

Yena remain silent same goes to yuri, their father and eunwoo was talking about works and stuff when suddenly yena's father asks a question.

"So when is the wedding?"

"Next month and we will be helding an engagement party nextweek" yuri's father answer.

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