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Yena reached yuri's front apartment, The older girl looks at the sleeping figure beside her, she sigh as she look at the bruises on yuri's wrist.

'Fucking bastard. How can he do this to yuri' yena thought.

She slowly poke yuri's shoulder in order to wake her up, yuri flinch in shiver.

"P-pl-ease.. Do-n't" Yuri said in a scared tone, her eyes close as she having a nightmare. Yuri pushes yena's hand.

"Yuri ah" yena said softly.

"It's me yena" yuri slowly open her eyes, she immediately hug the older girl and she cried.

"Y-ye....na.. Ja...ehwan.." the younger girl sobs.

"You're safe now." Yena rubs yuri's back
to comfort the girl.

"Let's get you to your apartment." Yena broke the hug and get out of the car to opens the car door on yuri's side.

Yena offer her hand to yuri to hold, the younger girl hold the older girl hand tightly. She still scared and traumatize that jaehwan might harm her again.

They reached yuri's front door, yena grabs the card in yuri's pouch and put it into the censore. Yena lead the way to yuri's room and she sit yuri onto her own bed.

"Yuri ah, Get dress first. I'll be outside" Yena softly said, the older was about to leave but yuri's tremble hands grab hers.

"C-can you stay please.." Yuri voice crack.

"B-ut—" Yuri held yena's hand tightly.

"O-kay okay. I'll be sitting here. Get dress to the bathroom" Yuri nodded, the older girl sit on yuri's couch inside her room while yuri is getting dress.

After a minute yena heard a loud bang inside the bathroom she rushes to the bathroom to check on yuri.

"Jo yuri" She shouted but not too loud.

"What happen." Yena asks as she kneel down to help yuri to stand up.

"I w-was ab-out to go out but i slipped because of dizziness" Yuri yelp in pain, she hurt her ankle.


Yena didn't hesitate to carry yuri in bridal style and she carefully place yuri onto her bed.

"You should be careful nexttime yuri ah" Yena said worriedly.

"I'm sor—" Yena put her index finger on yuri's lips.

"Don't say anything, Just rest. I'll be back tomorrow morning." Yuri felt scared when she thought that she's going to be alone.

Many what if's came to yuri's mind. She tugged on yena's shirt tightly and pull her closer.

"I—m sc-ared." Yuri said as she lean forward to yena's chest and rested her head on yena.

Yena felt a pang on her heart, yuri's trembling voice make her heart hurt. Yena sighed, she just hugged the younger girl until she feel that the head of yuri's is getting heavier that the sign of yuri is now sleeping.

Yena carefully place yuri's body in her bed breaking the embrace. Yuri is now sleeping well. She was so angry at jaehwan after she saw what jaehwan was doing to yuri.

Yena stood up and step forward when yuri mumble in her sleep.

"Don't go..." Yuri mumbles.

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