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(Yena's POV)

I step in inside our house and my brother greet me, I sat in the couch with him beside me. He start to questioning me why im in yuri's house, then i tell him everything that happen.

"What? We should tell the police that jaehwan try to rape yuri." My brother shouted but not too loud.

"Nah, Yuri doesn't want it. Infact they already broke up, and they have theyre closure." I lazily anwer. He shrugged his shoulder and he look at me.

"Btw dad wants you to meet him at his office." I slowly nod and i make my way to my room to take a shower.

I took my car key and my long coat, I was thinking why my dad want me to him in his office. I step on the gas.

I reached his office which was in the 4th floor. I slowly twisted the door knob.

"You're finally here." My dad smile, I smile at him and hug him. I was daddy's girl, I'm more close to my father rather than my mom but i love them both.

"Why you want me to go here?" I politely asks and sit infont of his table.

"why can't i miss my daughter?" My dad say while laughing, i just roll my eyes on him.

"Miss my ass dad" We both laugh. "What's the matter dad? Is the company getting bankcrupt?"

"No,our company is doing great thanks to you" my dad winks, i just laugh at him.

"So whats the matter?" I seriously look at him and he start to look serious too.

"You know, I—m getting older.." Im patiently waiting for him to speak the next sentence.

"And I want to see my grand daughter before i die..."

"So you want me to marry a man?" I sternly said.

"No, I know your not interested in men. What im trying to say is.." I was so confuse.

"You should get married, but i know your still recovering the memory of yours, and the memory you shared with chaewon." My dad spoke up, I was so confuse why would he bring chaewon to this.

"Dad.." He look at me.

"So here the deal."

"What deal?" I was so confuse right now.

"If your memory doesn't comeback within 4months, I'll be setting you up." I was shock with that deal, but i can't say no to my dad.

"Fine." I saw him smile.

"I'll be heading to my office now dad." I stood up and kiss his cheek then I leave his office.

I enter my office and slam my body to my own chair. I close my eyes for a while.

I wonder if yuri already eat her lunch.

I wonder if yuri was okay.

I also wonder why i was thinking of her.

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