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"Yena yuri?" The two flinch when eunbi was calling them. The two make an awkward movements and avoiding each others eyes.

"L-lets go i-nside." Yuri stutter as she stood up and leaving yena.

"That was too close" yena pouted as she didn't succeed.

[Living Room]

Yena apologise to everyone about her attitude earlier, they understand why yena is being like that. They didn't mind it and they started to eat and drink, Yujin was the one who get drunk easily.

Yujin was too noisy and goofy she makes everyone laugh at her silliness. They sing at the karaoke, while yena she still occupied with some thoughts.

'What is chaewon to my life?'

'Why yuri is ignoring me?'

'Why they keep saying chaewon's name?'

'Is it because of what happen earlier thats why she ignoring me?'

'Why i stil lcan't remember anything'

Yena was so frustrated, then she just drink all of her thought. She drink and drink and drink and drink. She have a high tolerance in alcohol but when she was drunk yena was surely a mess.

Yuri was looking at yena while she drink, she notice that the girl was getting red which means she's drunk and she's helding her head like she was in pain. Yuri was worried and confuse at the same time if she will approach the older girl.

Yena suddenly stood up and walk onto bathroom, she was too drunk that she feel dizzy and also her head hurting while walking, she throw up to the sink.

"Yena are you okay?" yena look at yujin, the moment yena stood up yujin follows her.

"Y-esx im fayynn" yena said in a child tone as she wash her mouth.

"Youu wajklnt to ujkse the tsoilet?" Yena said as she look at yujin with her eyes half close.

"No. I'm here to look for you. You seems so drunk, you should rest." yujin's worried tone make yena smile.

"Im fiiineee yujinniiiee " yena smile and make her way out of the bathroom and then she move to hyewon's guest room.

She lay down as she feel so drunk dizzy and she held her head that giving her pain. Tears are falling down to her face, she couldn't believe. she finally.



"Yena.." someone call her name, yena was too drunk and her eyes was blurry because of her tears and it's too dark in the room.

the figure comes closer to her she sits up depsite of dizziness, she was adjusting her eyes to see the girl, she smile widely.

"Chaewonniee..." Yena calls out, yuri was remain silent she still confuse that why yena mistaken her as chaewon.

"yenaa it--" yuri was interrupt when she was grab by yena's hand and pulls her into embrace, the older girl sniff the younger girl hair.

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