The day before tomorrow

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I can't believe my super mega bestfriend is getting married tomorrow. Congratulation for you bro. Goodluck to your married life.


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Yiren.Wang,Eunbibi,Goddess_minjoo and 3.k others like this.
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@Sih_yun I can't believe our ducky is getting married

@Yiren.Wang Congratulation duckyyy!! Can't wait for tomorrow.

@Eunbibi See you tomorrow child!

@Goddess_Minjoo Aww you two look good in this picture btw congratulation yena!

@Yena6969 Thankyou guys! I can't wait for tomorrow too.

(Yena's POV)

Tomorrow is the day.

Tomorrow is the big day for me, I wait this moment to happen. I can't wait to see my future wife to walk in the aisle.

Today I have to take a day off for the preparation of our wedding, All of the things needed for tomorrow is settled.

I decided to suprise visit chaewon in her house.
I rang the door bell and someone opens it.

"Yenaaaa" chaewon hugs me and i hug her back. Goosh i miss her.

"Did i disturb you?" I asks her and she shook her head, she let me come into her house and i sat at the living room sofa.

"What's bring you here?" before i could answer the sounds of footstep are heard from the kitchen, Mrs. Kim was there walking towards us with a frown face.

"Goodafternoon eomeonim" I greeted and bow but she didn't smile.

"Why are you here yena? Didn't you know that they are saying that you shouldn't meet your fiance before your wedding. The wedding couldn't be done" I look at chaewon's mom and i let an assurance face.

"Don't worry too much eomeonim~ Everything is prepared and it's just a saying" I smile to chaewon's mom but she shove me away.

"Go home now yena, Just wait until tomorrow okay?" Her mom said, i pouted but chaewon kiss it.

"Yea, Go home and rest, because tomorrow is our bigday. See you tomorrow! iloveyou" I nodded, and stood up and bid a goodbye to them.

When I finally enter my car, I cursed.

"Fuck that saying, I miss my fairy chaewon" I pouted, i drove away and make my way to eunbi unnie.

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