I love you.

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Since yena passed out at the bar, yujin decided to bring yena to chaewon's house. Yujin finally enlighten with her thoughts why yena was so wasted, she finally knows yena has a feelings for yuri.

She was hurt seeing her bestfriend like this, Yujin sighed as she looks at yena's sleeping figure.

They reached chaewon's apartment, yujin put yena's arm on her neck and she carry her bestfriend until they reach the front door of chaewon's apartment.

Yujin pushed the door bell waiting for chaewon to open the door.

"Oh my god, yujin what happen?" chaewon was surprise when she saw yujin carrying yena.

"Can we go inside first? i'll tell you after, this dumb duck is so heavy." Chaewon let the two to enter her apartment, yujin place yena to chaewon's bedroom.

"Water or juice?" chaewon asks.

"Just water." yujin said, then she sit at the sofa, she felt exhausted. Chaewon give yujin the cup of water.

"What happen yujin?"

"The bartenter call me using yena's phone since im the last one she call, telling me that yena was drunk and can't be stop. So I immediately go there.

When I got there yena was drinking a number of glass of alcohol, I tried to stop her but you know how stubborn yena is.

I just let her and i also drink with her maybe in that way i can comfort her. Then she passed out."

"Why is yena so drunk?" Yujin sighed before she answer the older girl question.

"Maybe you asks her tomorrow whats wrong with her, I'm not in the right place to tell you unnie.." chaewon nodded.

"I'll get going now unnie.. Yena needs you right now. You can ask her tomorrow when she come back to her sense." Yujin stood up and hug her unnie then she leave chaewon's apartment.

Chaewon walk towards her room which where yena is, she grabs some wet towel and wipe it to yena's face.

'Did you already know the news? that's why you're being like this?' chaewon thought as she change yena's clothes that is smell like alcohol.

After chaewon change yena's clothes she pull the blanket to cover yena's sleeping figure on her bed.

"It's hurt to see you like this yena ah~" chaewon look at yena who is sleeping.

"yu-ri..." yena suddenly utter yuri's name while she was sleeping, chaewon heard it then a tears start falling down she immediately wipes it.

Chaewon leave yena in her room as she run to the next room, then she burst into tears.

[Next Day]

A sudden headache cause the girl to wake up, she felt her head so heavy and groan because of pain. The girl hold her head as she sits on the bed, she adjusted her eyes,then she realize that she wasn't in her room.

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