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(Third pov)

The sounds of siren can be heard around the way, there's a person who fighting for her life. heartbeats getting weak, breathing getting weaker.

The ambulance arrives at the hospital and the nurses inside the ambulance rushly get the person who is laying unconscious out.

"To emegergency room, her heartbeat is getting low." one of the doctor said. they follow and get the patient to the ER.

The girl with a short hair rushly running towards the lobby with a heavy breathing.

"where's the patient CHOI YENA?" the tall girl with short hair ask.

"She's in the emergency room right now" the other replied.

The short hair girl run her way to the ER,  she was stopped by the other nurses.

"You are not allowed inside, please wait here" the short hair girl can't do anything but to sit and wait for the doctor to come out.

She was extremely worried about her bestfriend condition.

'I won't forgive you chaewon if something bad happen to my bestfriend' the short hair girl thought.

Running footstep can be heard around the hallway, the footsteps are getting louder and louder.

"An Yujin" yujin raise her head and hug the older girl.

Yujin was crying so hard, her friends comfort her.

"Yena will be fine." Chaeyeon said as she patted yujin's back. Chaeyeon and eunbi is like a mother figure to yena and yujin, all of them are actually worried including yuri.

All of them are sitting patiently waiting for the doctor to come out. It's been 30minutes since yena was in the emegerncy room.

"YENAAA?" They all look where the voice came from.

The girl runs towards them while crying.

"U-un-ni-e" the girl cried out. Yujin gave her an angry look.

"Why the fuck you are here?" Yujin stood up and ready to confront the other girl but luckily eunbi was fast that she caught yujin's hand.

"Why unnie? All of this happen because of her" Yujin points out the girl who is crying her heart out.

"Calm the fuck down yujin." Eunbi shouted, yujin groans and sit back.

"Yah Kim Chaewon!" chaewon met her sister eyes.

"U-u-n-ni-ee" She cried out and hug her sister.

"Is yena okay?" chaewon ask them.

"WOW You have the courage to ask that fuckingg questi—-" She was cut off by eunbi.

"Shut the fuck up An Yujin. Calm fucking down. Watch your words." Eunbi cursed out, Yujin shut up.

"Yeah, Why did you ditch yena? Why do you have to do that on the day of you wedding?" Eunbi ask slightly angry.

"U-nnie I'm—" chaewon was cut off when the emergency door opens and reveal the doctor wearing masks.

All of them stood up where they sitted.
The doctor remove her masks.

"H-how is C-hoi Ye-na doc?" Chaewon asks, she's so worried, she can't forgive herself if something bad happen to yena, It's her fault after all.

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