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"It's yenaaashdka undhksnie" yujin squeal as she was totally drunk.

Yuri's heartbeat is beating so fast as the two of them met each other's eyes. Yena was giving yuri 'Please.Don'' look.

"It's okay chaewjdnskon unsgsjlnie?" yujin let a puppy smile.

"It's okay its only a dare" chaewon nodded.

"Let's just give her another dare." yena suddenly spoke up, she was feeling nervous.

"Eeyy.. We already change the dare.. why you guys are so tense." yujin snorted

"I'll do it." yuri stood up, yena eyes widened when she saw yuri standing up and move closer to her.

Since yuri was drunk she has the courage to do what the dare is, she moves closer and place her head on yena's neck and she start kissing the older girl neck.

"Y-yu-r-i.. You d-don't h-ave to—- a-rgh" Yena whisper to yuri but she let a small groan when yuri bite her neck.

Yena was trying to hold her groans yuri was doing so good, she feel a bolt coming to her as yuri was licking her neck.

5 minutes is done and yuri pulled away then she squeal.

"Ohdkdkay d-one" yuri smile and stood up, yuri is smiling because she knows she just left a mark on yena's neck.

Yena let a soft sighed of relief when yuri pulled out, she was trying her best not to let a sound depsite of how yuri was good at it.

"Okaay let's sleep now!" hyewon break the silence, as the half of the people in the group was already drunk.

Everyone was heading to their designated room since hyewon's house is kinda big, yuri was the only one stay in the living room while the others is in their room.

Yena place the drunk chaewon on the bed.

"Go rest now wonnie... You drank too much" yena said in a concern tone.

"Lay beside me.." chaewon tap the space and yena obey the younger girl.

Chaewon snuggles her head to yena's neck and she put her arms around yena's waist to pull her closer.

"Please.. d-on't l..eaa..vee me yena ah.." chaewon sobs.

"I can't bare losing you again" yena's heart hurt as she heard chaewon sobs, yena just let the younger girl cry as she slowly drifting to sleep.

Yena is really confuse on her feelings, She knew she loves chaewon but then she also has a thing on yuri. She was so frustrated on what should she do.

Yena decided to clear off her mind since she had a few drink and her mind and heart is a mess, yena slowly stood up not wanting to disturb chaewon sleep.

Yena was heading to the garden but then when she pass by the living room she saw yuri alone still drinking the last bottle of soju. Yena sighed as she approach the younger girl and snatch the shot glass that was in the younger girl hand.

"That's enough, You're drunk." Yena said sternly as the younger girl whinned.

"G-ive me *hiccups* that *hiccups*" yuri was closing her eyes as she really feel drunk, but then yuri grabs the bottle of soju and shove it into her mouth.

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