1: Revolution

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Two brothers. Two teammates. Two friends. Two ninjas from the same village. Two humans who were so similar yet so different. Two jutsu's carrying enough power to kill the other. Rasengan and Chidori. Like their users, the jutsu were also opposites. The two shinobi jump off the ground and lung towards each other. Their roars being heard miles away, the tremors being felt throughout the land, the storms raging on wreaking havoc. And the two finally collide, jutsu against jutsu, fist against fist, light against dark. Putting everything they have inside them into their final attacks. Their blood, sweat and tears, all of them on the line. The massive amount of energy being pushed into each other suddenly acts as a catalyst for something even bigger.

The two jutsu's merge into one another resulting in the formation of a dark void, that rips apart the two massive statues of Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha. Along with the statues, the waterfall is crushed by the boulders, the ground is sucked above in the air. The earthquakes are felt by Kakashi and the others who are miles away from the battle.

"Sensei...........w-what happened".

Kakashi's attention is diverted to the pinkette in his arms, her eyes were still half-open as she came into consciousness. He was glad she actually woke up, considering the genjutsu Sasuke casted on her. But before he can answer, Sakura feels the raw Chakra of the two powerhouses coming from far away.

"Sensei, we have to stop them, their going to kill each other" Sakura pleads in front of her teacher, but Kakashi knows that it's pointless to get in between those two right now. This battle was bound to happen sooner or later, and their was no way he could do anything to stop it.

"I'm sorry Sakura, but this is something only Naruto and Sasuke can stop, I cannot stop them" Kakashi says in a sorry tone as his eyes are lost wandering over the horizon. Suddenly Sakura grips the sides of his collars as her tears fall, making him look in her eyes.

"Sensei please, you stopped them before. You can do it again, help them.................you're their teacher, it's your duty to help them" Sakura says as her tears fall while clutching the collar even more tightly. And Kakashi understands the turmoil that is inside Sakura right now, the pain and hurt that she is going through. To know that her two team members are battling with each other, with the intent to kill. And Kakashi himself knows, he knows that alot has changed since that day on the hospital roof, the day he stopped Naruto and Sasuke from engaging in a clash inside the village.

"I wish I could Sakura................but right now, I am nothing compared to those two, my abilities are nowhere near the same level as them............all I can do is just wait and pray, pray that they make it out of this in one piece" his words shock Sakura, her white skin gets red due to her tears, but slowly she realizes that their is nothing she can do at the moment and gives up, and with all of her strength, she stands up on her two legs. She faces the battlefield and closes her eyes and she brings her hands closer to her chest as her tears fall.

"Please............come back to us, you two".

Finally after many hours, the sun had died down and so had the explosions and the noises. The Final Valley was wrecked into pieces, with not a trace of the existence of the statues of the two legendary Ninjas of the Uchiha and the Senju clan. But, after the dust finally settled and the long and exhausting battle finally came to an end.
Their stood Sasuke Uchiha with his blade kusanagi placed at the throat of the broken body of Naruto Uzumaki, both panting hard, their chakra's completely empty. But somehow someway, Sasuke had gained the upper hand at the end of the fight. His sharingan had disappeared and his only Rinnegan eye was closed due to it's excessive use during the battle.

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