19:A Bargain To Be Made

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"Bow before the one born from the Goddess's blood".

Nothing came into focus. Everything felt like it was moving in fast forward. The wind felt different. A strange aroma of fire and jasmine in the air. Masses and hordes of people just running and stampeding in a single direction. Loud chants and wails of celebration being heard throughout the skies and land. The color of sky dyed in blood red. The areas around her, completely barren and disoriented. Loud and booming sounds of drums banging everywhere around her.

The byakugan princess immediately realized that this plane of existence wasn't reality. But it was far too vivid and real to call a dream.

Looking around herself, she began to focus on her surroundings. At first, nothing made sense. But slowly after some time, she started recognizing places and objects. It was a familiar place. But the dark red hue casted by the skies made it difficult to focus.


Turning around, after hearing the ear-scrambling chant. She saw hordes of men and women all staring right at. All of them on their knees. All of them bowing before her. All of them 'Worshipping' her.

Hinata, feeling overwhelmed and confused stepped back a little. Confused over what was happening. She tried to get away from the masses. Only to be surrounded by the other side. But she noticed that not one of them came any closer to her. They all were at a proper distance, and all of them bowing before her.

"W-What is happ-" Hinata's word were cut short and got stuck in her throat, when a small soft cry reached her ears. And instantly, the moment that happened, the masses became dead silent, not even the sound of breathing was heard.

Suddenly, she felt a small weight tugging on her body. Her face was pale with fear and uncertainty. She gathered up her strength and slowly her gaze fell from the people.

And in that moment, Hinata felt like she had left the world. This wasn't reality anymore. This wasn't any dream anymore. This was something she had never even managed to fathom.

She saw, in her arms, a small child. Not more then 2 months old, wrapped in a dark red cloth of some kind. A child with pale skin, and jet black hair, darker then the night itself. Slowly cooing and trying to move his small, fragile limbs.

But that wasn't what surprised the young princess. It was the fact that when the child opened his eyes. Staring back at her were not byakugan, or even the sharingan for that matter.

Manifested in the eyes of the young infant, it was the rinnegan. Thick dark black eyelashes, and doe eyes. And at that moment, a strange new feeling was born inside the Byakugan princess. Unrivaled and unconditional love for the small being in her arms. She had never seen him before, yet it felt like she had spent entires lives looking for him and had finally found him.

He stared right back at her, with a puzzled expression. Before trying to reach her face with his small limbs. The masses watched quietly. Not moving an inch. The drums and chants silent. And the entire area, listening to the sounds of the mother's soft sobs while holding her child.

"M-My son" Hinata spoke as she brought the child closer to her face and kissed his forehead. The child moved a little because of this, but showed small toothless smile. His purple eyes shining even more.

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