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"Wake up Lady Hinata, it's time for your breakfast".

Being a Hyuga, treatment like this was very normal for her, she had been born and bred in a family that had everything. She had Maids, butlers, people to do even the smallest things for her. But she never ordered them to do anything, she was a kind girl who preferred to do everything by her own hands instead of sitting in her room like a spoiled brat and order others. In the morning, she would wake up early and, she would make breakfast, not just for herself, but for her younger sister as well. The Maids would try their hardest to convince her to leave all the work to them, but she was stubborn like this.

But now, things had changed. Very drastically, and in a very short period of time. This wasn't the Hyuga household where she would wake up herself without needing anyone to wake her up, this wasn't the house in which she had ten servents in front of her all the time.

This was the caravan of the man who had abducted her, the man who snatched her away from her home and the sand village like nothing. At every turn in her life, she faced events and hurdles that she never expected, but perhaps the biggest shock of her life came to her, the moment Sasuke Uchiha openly declared, that he wanted Hinata Hyuga to give birth to the next generation of the Uchiha.

It was like reality came crashing down on her. Her mind had been in a constant state of disarray and confusion, sorrow and pain. And the biggest question in her mind :

Why her?

Out of every single kunoichi on the planet, why did he choose her? He never knew her, she never talked to him, the two never even bothered to be near each other, the two were the perfect definition of strangers. There was nothing special about her, she was a pathetic, useless excuse of a ninja. There were far more superior kunoichi in the Sand village alone, like Sakura Haruno. Sasuke's former teammate and the girl who loved her, her whole life. If Sasuke wanted to restore his clan, then he should've chosen her.

Then came questions like, what would happen to her now? How would the Hyuga react to this? How will the Kazekage retaliate to Sasuke's attack? Will Naruto try to rescue her, now that he knows what Sasuke plans on doing with her?

But all these questions end on a single line.

'They probably don't care about me so I shouldn't expect anything'.

There was no solution to the turmoil inside her at the moment. But she knew that she had to accept it. Her life was hell before, when she was living in the Sand village, and it will probably be hell now. She was trading a prison for another prison.

Hinata woke up inside a wooden carriage after Sasuke placed a Genjutsu on her. The moment she opened her eyes, she started to panic and tried to do something about it but realized that she was cuffed and her Chakra had been completely absorbed, leaving her completely vulnerable. The carriage she was in, wasn't very comfortable, it didn't have a seat, or any place to sit, it was just a squared wooden block on 4 wheels being pulled by a horse. The carriage wasn't colored, it was just plain dark brown wood. She felt like she was a caged animal in here. With no source of light, just a small opening to let air in. And a door that was locked. She had been inside the carriage for what she guessed were more then 2 days. And she spent those two days in complete solitude, with the only interaction with the outside world, being a guard coming inside to place her food and leave. Of course because of the dilemma and anguish in her brain, she couldn't eat anything and the food would remain as it was placed until someone would come back and take it away. She had been starving herself on purpose, for some reason she just couldn't bring herself to eat anything, she felt that she would throw up anything she would eat.

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