2 8 : A New Dawn

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"Kurama. Tell me, what has happened since the last time we fought together"?

"Four years. It's been a long four years, Naruto........Since the Uchiha teleported us to this dimension".

"I am aware........but right now I need to know your side of the story before I decide what to do next. I came back to the village to fight back and take back our village and to free you all....but before the fighting starts, I need to know your opinion".

"After your fight with him, he had already had us trapped in his control. But once he took control of Konoha, he came to me and told me that he would be sending us all to the dimension where Kaguya was trapped".

"But, why?"

"He said that the only way peace could be ensured was if the tailed beasts were somewhere no mortal could get their hands on. At first he was planning to destroy all of us, but then he told me that you had managed to convince him that perhaps killing us wasn't the right choice".

"What?............I.....I can't believe he said that!".

"Nor did I at first......But, he stayed true to his words. He gathered the nine of us and explained his actions....He said that by sending us to Kaguya's dimension, we were ensuring our safety, as well as preventing harmful threats from releasing Kaguya......The Uchiha wanted us to basically guard this dimension, whilst keeping our safety in check".

Naruto was quiet and remained in his thoughts, as Kurama stood in front of him. While the other eight beasts were some distance away, with the Uchiha. 



"What do you think? Do you think he made the right choice"?

The kyubi remained quiet for a few minutes before letting out a sigh as he replied.

"Naruto, at first I was enraged when he told us of our fate. But then we realized that there was truth to his words......Since my birth and the birth of my fellow tailed beasts, we have been manipulated and used to wreak havoc and rage wars on the villages....We have been made to kill millions of innocents. We were used as pets to start wars, with no input from us.......men like Madara and Obito, they have used our powers to bring darkness on the ninja world".

Naruto remained quiet, which urged Kurama to continue.

"And even though they are gone, it's only a matter of time before someone rises as a new threat and uses us..............with us being here, out of the hands of ninja, we are free..........we are safe. Right now only an advanced user of rinnegan can enter this dimension, and only the Uchiha possesses that skill............So....".

"So he was right".

Naruto remained quiet, with his eyes on the pink sand below him. Realizing that the Uchiha was right, he had made the right choice. And even the tailed beasts agreed with him. Naruto looked upto Kurama with a true and genuine smile on his lips.

"Thank you, Kurama. For being my friend".

The fox showed a toothy grin as he stared down at his former jinchuriki. Proud of the man he had grown upto be.

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