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"M-Minato Sensei".

The entire ward was drowned in silence. For Naruto and Kakashi, time itself had stopped for those few moments. It was like they were still trapped in a Genjutsu, the picture in front of them looked far from reality. And like a beacon of hope, a guiding light in the night, stood before them the Yellow Flash of the Leaf, regarded as one of the most fastest and skilled Shinobi of his time, teacher of Kakashi Hatake and Obito Uchiha , father of the Hero, Naruto Uzumaki, it was The Fourth Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village himself.

Minato Namikaze.

He slowly walks in, the Hokage cape flowing against the wind behind him. With him, he brought warmth and safety to those around him. His mere presence gave hope to everyone, his burning will of fire reached out to all those who saw him.

Naruto's eyes filled up with tears upon seeing his father again, he still hadn't forgotten their last and what seemed like their final meeting. Four years ago, on the day the war ended, on his birthday, Naruto felt as if he had said his final goodbyes to his father, so the sight of seeing him so close again felt like a dream.

"F-Father.......you're - - you're here" Naruto still couldn't believe his eyes. He felt as if his mind was still playing tricks on him. He was still on the bed, but he tried his best to reach out to him, extending his hand. Minato found his son's behavior funny and cute, walking closer to him, he noticed the same look of bewilderment on his former student's face. As he got closer to his, he took Naruto's hand and pulled him in for a hug. Naruto was left stunned the moment he felt his father's warmth enveloping him.

"I'm here, Naruto" Naruto closed his crying eyes, tightening his grip around his father's back. Minato didn't need to look at his son's face to know how much he missed him, and he, himself, felt just the same. The sight of seeing his son after so many years, grown and matured, it was a beautiful moment for him.

"I missed you......so much, Father" Naruto was sobbing and crying loudly, his outbursts caused Minato to chuckle in embarrassment. His loud cries managed to wake up a few other ninjas in the room. Kakashi also wiped a single tear from his eye, he also felt happy to see his teacher again, but now the question came in his mind. How did he get here?

"Orochimaru. Did you have something to do with this" Kakashi asks as he turns away from Naruto and Minato and turns to Orochimaru.

"Of course, how else do you think he would be here.....and not just him" Orochimaru says with a menacing smirk on his face, while pointing to the door, as Kakashi turns around, he is again caught by surprise when he sees the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju, standing in the doorway.

"L-Lord Second" Kakashi stutters a little while bowing a little to the stoic and stone-faced Hokage, before quickly turning to Orochimaru.

"Explain, now".


"Reanimation Jutsu".

Orochimaru, casted the forbidden Jutsu in one of his labs in the Sound Village. He had just gotten the report, that Sasuke was attacking the Hidden Sand. He knew he had to act quick, because Sasuke wouldn't be taking his time, he was always quick in his actions. But Orochimaru also knew that he wasn't going to be able to travel the distance between the two villages so quickly. And that was why he had brought back two ninjas who could travel miles, in mere seconds.

As the wooden caskets open, Orochimaru is met with the figures of the Second and Fourth Hokage. He puts the kunai seal in them, that gives them their consciousness and memories back. Upon coming back to life, Orochimaru quickly tells them the situation that they were in.

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