21:Happy Days

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"Are you serious!? Did that bastard really say that?"

A wide-eyed Kiba asked as Shikamaru finished explaining the entire ordeal he and Sakura had just went through and everything the Uchiha had to say to them. Shikamaru was surprised when Sasuke told them that they were allowed to go out into the village and discuss the entire deal among themselves. But he had also said that he demanded an answer by tomorrow. And needless to say, the others took the news as well as Shikamaru had expected. A bunch of loud gasps and large intakes of breaths. Sasuke excused himself and left them to their own accord, saying he had to be somewhere else.

"Calm down, Kiba-kun......and yes, Sasuke-kun is hoping for a less violent solution" Sakura sighed as she tried to get the hyper ninja under control.

"But what about Hinata-Chan? Any news from her" Ino asked who's eyes had grown a little red from all the crying and the redness of her cheeks were a testament to that.

"This isn't just about Hinata anymore, Ino. Our mission might've been to rescue Hinata, but that was before we learned that she and Sasuke had gotten so close. Now it's about the village and I believe we need to figure this out quickly" Shikamaru said in a laid-back tone as he crossed his arms and let out a sigh.

"As much as we all detest Sasuke, I believe this particular idea of his isn't a bad one" Their eyes immediately snapped to the person speaking. Shino was standing a bit away from the rest and in a very rigid posture. Taking the silence of the others as a sign to continue, he spoke further.

"Furthermore, if we all look past the feud we all have with Sasuke, our main goal is the village and to protect the people of this village. So, I don't really see the harm in the holding an unbiased election, in which the people can decide who they see fit" Shino spoke each word in a hollow and sharp tone.

"I agree with Shino. And moreover, we don't really have anything to lose. The terms that Sasuke laid down are also in our favor. If he wins, then he will allow all of us to return to the village and if we win, then he gets punished for his crimes" Shikamaru said as he slowly pulled out a pack of cigarettes and took one out.

"I still find it suspicious that the bastard is so openly trying to welcome all of us back. He has to be upto something else.....maybe he wants all of us gathered in a single spot and then tries to kill us all" Kiba said as he snorted in anger and stood up.

"Stop it, Kiba-kun. I know he's done alot of bad things. But there was nothing malicious in his voice or his body language when he was talking to us earlier" Sakura tried to defend her former teammate from Kiba's verbal assault.

"Of course you would say that, Sakura" Kiba said in a smug tone as he glares at Sakura, who immediately glares back. Shikamaru notices the tense mood and immediately steps in.

"Okay, stop it. We already have enough on our plate, we don't need another problem. Kiba, calm down. Your temper really isn't helping our situation here" Shikamaru says as he lights up the cigarette and takes a puff.

"Besides, if Sasuke wanted us all dead, we would already be in our graves by now. The fact that we are still alive, means something" Shino adds, the others nod in agreement, while a frustrated Kiba just flails his arms around trying to vent.

"Anyway, I believe that this situation isn't something we can decide by ourselves. I'll ask Sasuke, if he can give us more time to decide or to bring someone else from our side to the discussion" Shikamaru says.

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