2 7 : Burying Ashes

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Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto were the ones who stepped through the portal and entered the dimension where the bijuu resided currently, where the Uchiha heir had placed them after capturing them. Sasuke had realized that his own power had become so great that he had no need to keep the bijuus in check by placing them under his control. 

So, after using them as an intimidation tactic to scare the shinobi of the leaf - after the war -, he had removed his control and sent them to Kaguya's dimension to guard the sacred dimension from any outsiders, like Madara and Black Zetsu. Plus, with the bijuu existing in a completely seperate and lone dimension, he was assured that no other secret organization like the Akatsuki could use the beasts for their own gain, nor could any jinchuriki ever abuse their powers.

As Uzumaki Naruto stepped through the portal created by the rinnegan, the first thing he noticed was the moon-sized circular mesh of rock floating in the sky. Bringing back memories of the fight of his life. The fight where Team 7 fought as a single unit and saved the world against the most dangerous threat known to the planet. And just being in this place, he could already sense the immense and potent chakra of the Rabbit Goddess, Kaguya. It almost had a sinister feel to it. He unconsciously shuddered when he realized that, the being that almost killed them all was still very much alive and was locked in the rocks he saw above.

"Kaguya's dimension? What's the meaning behind bringing me here, Sasuke?" Naruto asked in serious tone, side-eyeing the Uchiha who was standing a few feet behind him, looking extremely calm and collected.

"You wanted the bijuu, right? Well, that's what we're here for" Sasuke replied, looking up at his and Naruto's work.

"So I'm guessing you brought them here. It still doesn't answer my question because I don't see them?" The blonde replied in a gruff tone, narrowing his eyes. It was clear that the Uchiha was not that tempted to talk to his former friend right now.

"Of course you can't see them. This planet is nearly twice the size of our own, and only the 9 tailed beasts live here, they all remain mostly scattered and keep to themselves. They only come together when I need to discuss something or when they need something" Sasuke shrugged nonchalantly, ignoring the glares he received from the Uzumaki.

Naruto became a little curious and at the same time suspicious over a lot of things. But he remained quiet and observed as Sasuke walked to an open clearing and raised his hand and his palm faced the open sky.

Suddenly, a rather bright and large lightning projectile that was molded in the shape of an arrow shot out from his palm and flew upward, upon reaching the optimum height, it suddenly burst into a blinding flash, letting out a large crackle. If it was anyone else, they would've soiled themselves by the boom of the thunderous flash. But not these two hardened soldiers, the two shinobi remained on their feet without flinching or showing even a small reaction.

"Was that supposed to do something or are you just showing off like you always did, bastard?" Naruto lets out a sardonic chuckle, carefully keeping his gaze on the Uchiha. Trying to get a rise out of him.

"Shut up, dead-last" That's all he gets from his rival and it's enough to make him let out a chuckle once again. And suddenly even the Uchiha let's a small smirk creep on his face. Something about talking with the man who once proclaimed himself as his best friend, his brother, something about the two of them brought back a time of his life that he could never truly forget.

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