4:Prying Eyes

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As night fell in the Sand Village, the Hyuga household was quiet. Most of the elders had retired back to their rooms, but Hiashi had to leave for a meeting with the Kazekage and along with him went the next heiress of the Hyuga, Hanabi. The two were approached by the Sand anbu who told them that the Kazekage requested their presence for a very urgent matter. The house became quiet after they left, as for Hinata's room, she still hadn't returned home after the event that took place in the restaurant, heartbroken and torn apart, she was roaming on the outskirts of the village, trying to get as far away from everything as she could.

"W-What i-is w-wrong with me.................w-why am I-I always l-left b-behind" She murmurs and stutters as she walks barefoot on the cold sand as her eyes cry tears of pain and misery, under the shimmering Moonlight, lighting the entire desert . All of their words, their laughters and smiles, they were all fresh in her brain. She couldn't help but feel sorry for herself, since no one else would. Nobody cared about her, nobody wanted her to be a part of their lives, even though she was from such a famous clan, she had the byakugan and yet, she was a nobody.

She didn't matter to anyone, if she would die right now, she was sure that nobody would mourn her, nobody would even bother to come to her funeral. In this wide world, she was utterly alone, not a single soul in this world spared any kindness for her, nobody held sympathy for her. The only person who valued her was her mother, she was the only person in the whole world who treated her like a human, she loved her, she raised her with love, she was the perfect example of how a mother should be. And she was the only person who made Hinata felt like she also mattered, that she also held great value and was precious to someone.

But, her time came too soon. She left Hinata alone, she left her in this harsh world and went away forever. The day Hinata lost her mother, was the day her world lost it's light. She was broken and depressed, her next years were spent being mentally tortured by her father, being not noticed by anyone, but then Naruto came along and her world lit up again. For the longest time of her life, her main goal in life became to catch up with Naruto and to be with him. And after the events such as the Akatsuki's attack on the leaf and the war, she was sure that Naruto would accept her feelings and return them with even more love.

But that wasn't the case, and the day she got rejected. Her world lost it's light once again, and she became a walking corpse again, with no goal in life, no family to turn to, no friends to hangout with, no significant other to share her problems with. She became lonely, all of her sorrows, worries and problems she would keep them inside her and it was infecting her from the inside. And the only thing that helped was weeping and crying, so she did. She cried and cried every day, in hopes that the pain inside her would get less.

But, it never got less. It only grew more and more each passing moment. Each wound grew deeper everyday and it was going to stay like that until one day her heart would give out and she would fall asleep forever.

Unbeknownst to Hinata, while she was outside, two skilled spies from the leaf had successfully and secretly infiltrated the Hyuga residence. They had to be extremely cautious and precise, because if they let even a small squeak get out and be heard, the byakugan would immediately catch them and it would be the end of them. They ran on feather feet on top of the roof, until they were standing on the part of the roof under which was the room of Hinata Hyuga.

Using their Chakra infused swords, they cut a small hole on top of the room and quietly open it, giving them access to the room inside. They both dive inside and immediately get to work, they knew that even if a single thing went wrong, The Uchiha would have their heads slashed clean off.

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