5:Slithering Snakes

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2 weeks have just passed by, and the Stoic Uchiha had spent those two weeks watching and studying Hinata Hyuga. His subjects were confused at his behavior, he was the type of man who was strict to his codes and rules, not wasting a single second, but here he was wasting hours upon hours, days upon days, staying inside his office, gaze fixed on his screens. He was learning about her, he had seen everything about her. He had seen her at her worst, he had seen her worst, he saw the things she did to her body, he saw the things she had done to her naked skin.

And everything about her tempted him, the moment he saw her cutting herself, it got his blood running more faster then any battle he had fought in his life. Just the sight of her being so mentally crushed to the point she wanted to inflict torture on herself was satisfying and pleasing, but what made him even more pleased was the thought of taking her even more over the edge, pushing her over the cliff, taking the last bit of sanity that she was hanging on by, away from her forever.

Sasuke also knew what this meant for him and his village. He already possessed the Sharingan and the Rinnegan, and now he was going to obtain the Byakugan, all three Ocular eyes in his grasp. Nobody would dare attempt to fight him, and all he needed to do was manipulate the girl who looked more like a broken porcelain doll.

And the blame as to why she was like this fell all on one person. Naruto Uzumaki. She would cry and rant about how he rejected her and casted her off , but Sasuke would just sit and listen to it all. Sasuke even began to find himself irritated whenever she would cry about the fact that nobody talked to her, nobody approached her, nobody treated her as a human being.

He tended to be more calm and cool in every aspect of his life, letting his brain take sensible choices and decisions instead of letting his emotions get the best of him, but for some reason he would feel his anger rising everytime she would cry about the way everyone in the village treated her.

The demon lying inside Sasuke's did pop up from time to time, raising thoughts like whether he should just destroy the Sand village and all of it's people for destroying the soul and spirit of someone as innocent and pure as Hinata Hyuga. But all those troubling thoughts would go away the moment he would think about the fact that she would soon be taken away from them all and brought into his shadow. And that day was coming much sooner then anyone thought.

Sasuke closes his eyes as he stands up from his seat and presses a button that rings a loud bell in the entire Hokage residence. Sasuke gets his cloak wears it over his clothes. And within seconds, the door opens and Gintoki walks inside. His eyes meet Sasuke's unrelenting and cold gaze.

"Your orders Uchiha-Sama" He asks obediently as he lowers his eyes. Sasuke speaks as he starts to walk past Gintoki.

"Ready the men, prepare them for a raid on the Hidden Sand Village" Sasuke says in a monotone voice, devoid of any emotion or mercy. And Gintoki's eyes go wide at hearing his order.

"My Lord, is today really a good day, shouldn't something like this be discussed  and thoroughly planned first" Gintoki says obviously scared and cautious, trying not to get on Sasuke's bad side. Whereas as Sasuke stops at the door and turns around to face his assistant.

"Prepare the horses and ready the men Gintoki, I will meet you all in 2 hours near the exit, we are going to take the Hyuga Heiress tonight".

Sasuke's cold and heavy voice intimidates Gintoki to his core, as well as his haunting red eye staring right through him. Gintoki knew better then to argue more, if Sasuke wanted this raid to be done today, then no power on earth was going to stop him.

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