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"Where are we going now, mister? I'm getting tired from walking".

"If you're getting tired then just tell me, I'll carry you and to answer your question, we are going to a friend's house, I want all three of us to eat together, how does that sound" Sasuke says in a monotone voice as he keeps staring forward, while Hotaru walks next to him, constantly speaking the whole time. Sasuke truly felt sorrow for the young boy, to have lost his mother and sister at such a young age, without having anyone to turn to, he was a strong child and he didn't want to let him go alone. So he thought it would be best to go along with him.

"Of course I like that, the more people the more fun it will be....it will be like a slumber party" Hotaru says jumping up and down, he was excited to say the least. Sasuke didn't say anything and just smirked at the kid's actions.

"Good.......here we are. Now go knock on the door and tell them that you are here to see Lady Uchiha" Sasuke tells him in a sly tone with a smirk on his face as they both see the hyuga household before them.

"What! I have to do it? B-But it's your friend, why I am going" Hotaru says as he starts to get nervous, while Sasuke's smirk grows even more. "Hey mister, you're going to get me in trouble".

"I promise, if anyone tries to scold you, then I will deal with them, besides, I'll only be a little over to the other side and I'm sure my friend won't scold you, she's not the type of person to hurt a young kid's feelings" Sasuke says as stops and turns to the kid, with a mischievous smile on his face. Hotaru raises his eye brow as he begins to suspect the older male.

"Well. At least tell me what your friend is like so i know something" Hotaru says in a demanding tone as he also stops in his path and turns his face around. Sasuke chuckles a little when he hears Hotaru's demands, but then he begins to think about the Hyuga princess as he looks up at the burning sky.

"Well........She is the type of person that will always help everyone she can. She is kind and generous. She's also really gentle and cautious of her actions. But she's not all good, she has her flaws as well. She stutters alot and is always nervous or afraid of something. But.............besides all of that, she is just.........beautiful, she's unique and rare and when you see her, you will instantly realize why I am saying all of this.......oh and another thing, she could never hurt a single innocent soul, trust me" Sasuke let's out all the feelings he was slowly harboring in his heart for the Hyuga princess as he looks up. Not realizing that he was speaking to a young boy, who didn't understand the least bit of what this man was talking about.

"Look mister, I'm not going to remember all of that. I lost you at 'Well'.....you're no help. I'll do it on my own" Hotaru says in an unimpressed tone and puts his hands on his waist and begins to walk towards the door. Sasuke just smirks and also gets into a hidden spot so that nobody sees him.

Hotaru tries to act calm but he was a little nervous of the unexpected. Walking upto the door, he builds up his courage and knocks a few times. He waits for a few minutes and suddenly the door opens. And he looks up at a man in a samurai clothes, wearing glasses.

"Huh? What do you want kid" He asks in a rude tone, that intimidates Hotaru a little bit. Sasuke watches from a distance and recognizes that it was Shinpachi. Hinata's body guard.

"I-I am h-here to see L-Lady Uchiha, sir" Hotaru tries his best to speak but ends up stuttering because of the man towering over her. Sasuke remained hidden as he watched the exchange, in truth he wanted to see how the Future Uchiha was with kids, was she as kind or was she different. Shinpachi's brow raises up a little at hearing the kid's demand.

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