18:Mending Old Wounds

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"You're regretting what you did, aren't you".

The Uchiha noticed the anguish and sadness on the princess's face the moment he entered the room. The tough mask of hate and anger came off and back came the innocent and timid girl who felt hurt by her actions. She was looking at herself in the mirror intently and sulking a little, trying to be serious but ended up looking like an adorable little kitten. But Sasuke knew then and there, at that moment he realized the ultimate truth to Hinata Hyuga's existence.

She could never be corrupted. She could never truly be evil. She could never truly learn to hate. Her existence, her soul was too pure to be tainted. She could be manipulated to do evil acts but at the end, she would always return to her true nature.

And the thing that irked Sasuke the most........

Was that his attraction for her only grew because of this.

Whereas Sasuke was negative, Hinata was a positive. It made sense why out of every other kunoichi, he was drawn towards her. She was the light that could help balance out his darkness. They truly were Yin and Yang.

Without himself knowing a small smile adorned Sasuke's lips as he watched his fiancée slowly glance over her shoulder and looks at him.

"I-I had been imagining for some time now.......how good it would feel when if I could take my revenge on those who hurt me.............b-but - - all I feel now is emptiness" Sasuke knew of her words. He knew all too well.

Revenge only looked sweet as long as it was an illusion. The thought of getting back at those who wronged you, seemed like a pleasing thought in your head. But once it becomes a reality, he just leaves you confused and like Hinata had said 'Empty'.

Sasuke slowly walked over to her, until she had tilted her head slightly to look up at him. And she didn't see the stoic faced Uchiha, she saw a small reassuring kind smile.

"S-Sasuke-kun, a-am I evil? I-I feel like I h-hurt them. And even t-though I know they deserve it, I-I still feel s-so bad" Sasuke almost broke into a small chuckle when he heard her soft whimpers as she looked up at him. Sasuke gently hold her shoulders and locks eyes with her. She was the opposite of evil. She was literally a blinding light. A bright, warm blinding light that had influenced Sasuke in ways she didn't know.

"Hinata" her whimpers stopped as she heard her name being called by him in the most loving tone she had ever heard.

"Do you know that ever since you have been here, I have not taken a single life" Hinata was surprised and a little confused to hear his words. But the way he spoke, it looked like he was content and happy at the moment.

"W-What? What do you mean" She inquires in a soft voice. The next thing Sasuke does shocks her, as he brings her closer and captures her in his warm embrace. Her head resting on his chest as he lays his head on the top of her head.

"I don't exactly know what I want to say myself, Hyuga, but..........it's you. Something about you, about your mere presence in this village....it has been changing me.........In the last four years, I had completely forgotten the concept of mercy or forgiveness. I killed everyday to keep order in the village, I killed my enemies everyday. My hands would be drenched in blood everyday..........but.....after I brought you here and I observed you.....I started to notice a change in myself........the Sasuke Uchiha that I was before I met you was a heartless, merciless and cold leader, an image that everyone portrayed about me and I accepted that image and went along with it.........but the Sasuke Uchiha I am now, is a man who doesn't yearn for war and blood every waking second" Hinata's tears were soaking his chest as her eyes widened at his words. For the first time ever Sasuke was speaking out his emotions and feelings to her. He was opening himself to her. He was trusting her with his vulnerability.

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