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It was almost midnight in the Sand Village, the hot and warm wind during the day shifted into a cool breeze when night fell over the land. There were still people outside, some ninjas on patrol, roaming the quiet market places, some civilians who were still out drinking. But all in all, everything looked and felt peaceful, a whole side of the Sand village was given to the refugees from the leaf, it was comfortable and cozy, so much so that they didn't miss their own village.

Like the entire village, a special vip sector was given to the Hyuga Clan members, since they were like royalty, they deserved only the best, even in villages that weren't theirs, the homes housing the Hyuga were also quiet, with the only sound being of a few clan ninjas out on patrolling duties. But deep inside the main house, a room was dimly lit with the help of a candle. It was the only source of light in an otherwise dark void of a building. Inside sat the head of the Hyuga clan, Hiashi Hyuga, an experienced and powerful fighter and a cunning and ruthless leader.

He had led his clan through many difficult times, and he had upheld the honour and reputation of the Hyuga clan for many decades. He was feared in the clan and the village. And before him sat his eldest daughter, the soon-to-be leader of the Hyuga, the Heiress, Hinata Hyuga, with her eyes lowered to the floor and her body in a submissive posture.

"Do you know why I called you here tonight" His rough voice snaps her out of her daze, Hinata keeps her eyes lowered and answers.

"Y-Yes, father" She answers in a faint and weak tone, she knew why he called her. He would never call her just to talk to her like a father talking to her daughter, he never once held her close to him and gave her the love a daughter is supposed to receive from a father, he didn't see her as his daughter, but rather a puppet, a puppet that he would use to lead the Hyuga. But now, it seemed like even that wasn't most likely.

"I have talked to the elders, we have been inspecting you for a long time, and needless to say........we are all extremely disappointed in you Hinata.........never in our history has there been a Hyuga as weak as you, your much inexperienced in using the Byakugan as compared to your younger sister, Hanabi. You are older then her, and yet, she is much more skilled and talented in every aspect of being a ninja then you..........so after seeing through everything, we have decided to make Hanabi the next Clan leader in your place. She is more powerful and gifted then you, and she has the ability to lead this clan much better then you" He sits there with his arms crossed and eyes closed whilst spitting out venom from his mouth, each word like a dagger that was stabbing Hinata's heart. She had seen this coming, she knew that she was too weak to lead a clan like the Hyuga. That was why, even though his words hurt her, she couldn't say anything because she knew that he was right. Her tears were threatening to fall but she tried her best to hold them, she didn't want to look even more miserable then she already was.

"I-I un-understand father" Even if she was dying on the inside, she would always manage to fake a smile and make it look like she was okay. Hiashi remained quiet and just nodded after hearing her reply.

"Good, you can leave now" Hiashi says in a harsh tone. Hinata quietly gets up and bows before her father, and then proceeds to leave the room. The moment she exits the room, her tears come falling out, she doesn't want to stay in this house, she weeps and runs out of the house and into the dark streets of the Sand Village.

Weak. Pathetic. Useless.

These words circulating in her brain, like a broken cassette, it was playing itself in her head over and over again. And she believed it, she knew she was everything they called her. She was weak. She was pathetic. She was useless. She was an outcast.

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