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The Village Hidden in the Leaves

Once considered one of the most peaceful and beautiful sights in the shinobi world, with it's lush green forests, bright blue skies, cool breezes flowing throughout the years. Like the name said, it really was a village that was surrounded by forests, by nature, by beauty. The buildings quaint and traditionally styled, mostly colored in bright, dynamic shades, it was marvel. It was a peaceful village, though they may have had disputes, but nothing they couldn't put behind them and move forward. The village had seen it's fair share of violence as well, by enduring through wars, attacks, raids and Massacres, it was still standing strong, with honour, grace and dignity.

It was home to some of the most powerful ninjas to have ever existed since the dawn of Chakra. It was home to powerful clans like the Nara Clan, the Yamanaka Clan, the Akimichi Clan, and most of all, it was the home of the two clans that possessed the most powerful eyes in history. The Uchiha and The Hyuga Clan. Bearers of the two most powerful ocular dojutsu's The Sharingan and The Byakugan.

Since the village was created by the founding fathers, Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha, the village was considered to be one of the most powerful in the world. The village was created with the idea to make a place where children can be safe, where they can have a future, where they could be other things besides Ninja's on the battlefield fighting for their lives. It was supposed to be a place of serenity and peace, of humanity. With Hashirama Senju, who was also known as the most powerful shinobi of his time, becoming the first hokage, everything felt right. It seemed as if those impossible dreams were finally going to become a reality.

But. They were wrong, no matter how much one strays away from it, no matter how much one tries to resist it, no matter how much one tries to deny it. The curse of the Uchiha would always show itself. Madara Uchiha was the bearer of the Uchiha Symbol and the leader of his clan, a man who possessed immense strength, a man who could take on an entire nation by himself, the first Uchiha in history to possess the Mangekyo and the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. He felt from the start that the Uchiha were always ostracized, they were always outcasted. They were treated like enemies, like rogues. And he hated that, he despised that. And the only thing bigger then his enormous power level was his pride.

As the village became bigger and more populated, he was beginning to realize that the Uchiha were being left out of every big decision being made in the village. And to some extent he was right, the village elders always saw the Uchiha as an evil, they would always disrespect them, they never gave them the value they deserved.

And finally years of hatred boiled up, resulting in a clash between former brothers-in-arms, Hashirama and Madara. A battle that would shake the entire world, it would rock the earth down to it's core. All the hatred Madara began to amass for the village and it's ideals, Hashirama took it all. And he fought his friend to the death.

And the chain of the hatred that started that day didn't end with the death of Madara Uchiha, no, it created the curse of the Uchiha clan. A curse that would haunt the clan for generations to come. After the death of Madara, things became quiet for some time, the Uchiha settled down and tried to keep their heads down, and Hashirama did the best he could to protect the Clan of his best friend. He felt a debt to protect it.

But after the Second Hokage, the younger brother of Hashirama, Tobirama Senju took the mantle, things quickly went downhill. Tobirama wasn't like his older brother, he wasn't as warm and kind-hearted as his brother, he was cold, collecting and he had his own vision of protecting the village. But the biggest difference between the two was that Tobirama didn't have the same soft spot for the Uchiha his brother had. He knew the kind of power they packed and he knew they would eventually try to takeover the village.

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