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"Hinata, I think I'm beginning to fall for you".

Sasuke's voice and words were hoarse and filled with confusion, his eyes drunk on the pleasure he just received a second ago from Hinata's lips. Their faces inches apart, and Hinata eyes widened in surprise before they went back to their normal state, but not before a small smile graced her lips, and for Sasuke it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life. Nothing could cross this, nothing could ever be more beautiful then her. Hinata's bashful and shy eyes slowly went down as she placed her hand on Sasuke's chest.

"I-Is that, um.......a good thing" She asks in a voice that was as low as a whisper but because of the close proximity they were standing at, Sasuke heard her loud and clear. And even for someone as organized and calm as Sasuke Uchiha, his thoughts were in a disarray.

"I.........I don't know" Sasuke says in a cold and disconnected voice, that puts a small frown on Hinata's face, as her gaze falls on her feet. She feels a small prickling sting in her heart, that small yet impossible hope that she had started to grow in her heart. Because she was sure that her feelings for Sasuke were similar to the feelings she once held for Naruto Uzumaki. Maybe not as strong, but it was still a start. It was foolish of her to think that Sasuke Uchiha could ever return her feelings or to ever think of her as someone precious to him, Hinata thinks to herself. Suddenly, she feels Sasuke raise her face, by placing his fingers under her chin. Holding her tears at bay, she stares back into Sasuke's eyes that have a unique and unfamiliar look in them.

"Maybe this will help me clear my internal strife" Hinata was unsure as to what his words meant, but his deep, raspy voice affecting her in more then one ways. And not a second had passed, that Sasuke's lips were again on Hinata's. Hinata was taken back by his actions yet again, but this time it was different. Hinata decided that, If Sasuke was conflicted about his feelings then she would help him figure everything out.

And without wasting another second, Hinata wrapped her arms around the avenger and pressed her body against Sasuke. For a man who spent his life being in control, Sasuke could not begin to grasp what was happening. All he knew was that he would go crazy if he didn't have her. The heat of her body transferring to his own was exhilarating and yet satisfying. Sasuke's hand slowly travels from Hinata's back down to her round bottom, feeling the curves in his hand, he felt like he was dreaming.

Hinata felt like she would faint because of what she was doing, but she didn't want to stop any time soon. The moment Sasuke caressed her butt, a soft moan escaped her mouth as she gasped. Sasuke took this opportunity you slip his tongue inside her. Drinking in her aroma and exploring her to the fullest. Hinata's moans grew more, as she felt a strange feeling growing between her legs. Growing up in the Hyuga household, behavior like this was strictly forbidden, but tonight she couldn't hold herself back. Her body had taken over, and lust was clouding her better judgement.

While the first kiss was gentle and sweet, they both agreed to that mentally. The second one was needy, and filled with unbridled lust and passion.

Hinata's hands grasped Sasuke's hair, as the Uchiha heir broke off the kiss and proceeded to kiss and suck Hinata's jawline, going down to her neck. Bitting and kissing as he stuffed his face in the crook of her neck. Hinata's legs felt like they would give up any second and it took all of her strength to not let that happen. Sasuke was purposely kissing her on the spots where she knew she had scars. She thought to stop Sasuke, because she felt like he wouldn't like her scars, but for a second she glanced down and saw that he was looking at her. And the look she saw in his eyes convinced her that he was ready to accept her for everything she was, no matter what she thought of herself.

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